1. Primary and secondary education
    1. start
      1. 5 years old
      2. September
    2. end
      1. 16 years old
        1. GCSE
          1. General Certificate of Secondary Education
      2. July
    3. free education
      1. below university
      2. state-owned schools
    4. three terms
      1. autumn
      2. spring
      3. summer
    5. National Curriculum
    6. Religious Education
      1. part of teaching
      2. not curriculum
    7. A-level exam
      1. two more years
      2. after the university
        1. no entrance exams
        2. gap year
          1. one year between school and university
    8. Ofsted
      1. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
      2. monitors educational system
      3. inspectors visit school and publish reports
    9. Past vs.present
      1. Past
        1. oppressive institutions
        2. strict rules
        3. corporal punishment
        4. 1987: banned in state-run schools
        5. 1999: banned in private schools
      2. Present
        1. lack of discipline
        2. bullying
    10. Problem of multiculturalism
      1. Christian character
    11. School canteen
      1. dietary problem
      2. "Feed me better"
        1. 2005
        2. Jamie Oliver
        3. changed attitudes to eating in school
  2. State-run vs. independent schools
    1. state-run
      1. intake is not limited
    2. independent
      1. fee-paying
      2. 7%
      3. "a public school"
      4. "a private school"
      5. two categories
        1. public schools
          1. expensive
          2. long tradition
          3. excellent standards of teaching
          4. "public"
          5. non-church schools for sons of nobility
          6. oldest: 6th c.
          7. Eton, Charterhouse School, Westminster School, Warwick School
        2. faith schools
          1. better than state-run schools
          2. run by religious groups
          3. no multicultural tension
          4. funded to some extent by state
  3. University education
    1. Oxbridge
      1. Oxford
        1. 1167
      2. Cambridge
        1. 1231
      3. founded in medieval period
      4. the only universities until 19th c.
        1. no Catholics or women
      5. each: federation of colleges
    2. Other universities
      1. Industrial Revolution
      2. red-brick universities
        1. University of Birmingham, University of Liverpool, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield, University of Bristol, Victoria University of Manchester
      3. 1960s
        1. plate-glass universities
      4. 1992
        1. other institutions changed into college
        2. total number: 116
    3. Studying in Britain
      1. pay tuition
      2. too few students from state-run schools
    4. The Open University
      1. through distance learning
      2. financed by British government
      3. 1969