Primary and secondary education
- 5 years old
- September
16 years old
- General Certificate of Secondary Education
- July
free education
- below university
- state-owned schools
three terms
- autumn
- spring
- summer
- National Curriculum
Religious Education
- part of teaching
- not curriculum
A-level exam
- two more years
after the university
- no entrance exams
gap year
- one year between school and university
- The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
- monitors educational system
- inspectors visit school and publish reports
Past vs.present
- oppressive institutions
- strict rules
- corporal punishment
- 1987: banned in state-run schools
- 1999: banned in private schools
- lack of discipline
- bullying
Problem of multiculturalism
- Christian character
School canteen
- dietary problem
"Feed me better"
- 2005
- Jamie Oliver
- changed attitudes to eating in school
State-run vs. independent schools
- intake is not limited
- fee-paying
- 7%
- "a public school"
- "a private school"
two categories
public schools
- expensive
- long tradition
- excellent standards of teaching
- "public"
- non-church schools for sons of nobility
- oldest: 6th c.
- Eton, Charterhouse School, Westminster School, Warwick School
faith schools
- better than state-run schools
- run by religious groups
- no multicultural tension
- funded to some extent by state
University education
- 1167
- 1231
- founded in medieval period
the only universities until 19th c.
- no Catholics or women
- each: federation of colleges
Other universities
- Industrial Revolution
red-brick universities
- University of Birmingham, University of Liverpool, University of Leeds,
University of Sheffield, University of Bristol, Victoria University of Manchester
- plate-glass universities
- other institutions changed into college
- total number: 116
Studying in Britain
- pay tuition
- too few students from state-run schools
The Open University
- through distance learning
- financed by British government
- 1969