1. 3. Speaking
    1. 2 independent tasks
      1. Information
        1. your own knowledge and experience
        2. timing per task
          1. preparation : 15 seconds
          2. Response : 45 seconds.
      2. How to succeed
        1. 1. Analyze the questions
        2. 2. write short outline
          1. Choose your choice
          2. describe your choice
          3. for example
          4. show why you choose.
          5. finish supported idea
        3. 3. speak by following the outline.
          1. speak clearly and directly
          2. don't speak too fast and too slow
          3. pronounce words carefully
          4. use transition words to connect the parts
      3. Types of tasks
        1. 1. Personal Preference
          1. give descriptions
          2. narrate an event
          3. express your preference and support with examples
        2. 2. Paired Choice
          1. express your opinion
          2. you can say that other choice is good because ...... and then, however, ......
          3. provide reasons
          4. example your supports
    2. 4 integrated tasks
      1. Information
        1. based on short reading and/or lecture
        2. 2 Reading -> Listening -> Speaking
          1. reading passage and related lecture or conversation
          2. Timing per task
          3. Reading : 45 seconds
          4. Lecture : 60 -80 seconds
          5. Preparation : 30 seconds
          6. Response : 60 seconds
        3. 2 Listening -> Speaking
          1. Lecture or conversation
          2. Timing per task
          3. Lecture : 60 - 90 seconds
          4. Preparation : 20 seconds
          5. Response : 60 seconds
      2. How to response
        1. 1. Summary information
          1. Take notes
        2. 2. Paraphrasing
          1. change to your own words
        3. 3. cite
          1. lecturer
          2. lecture
          3. passage
          4. article
          5. the author
        4. 4. synthesis
          1. link all information
      3. Types of tasks
        1. Task 3
          1. announcement
          2. discussion
        2. Task 4
          1. general
          2. specific
        3. Task 5
          1. problem
          2. solution
        4. Task 6
          1. summary
    3. Time = 20 minutes
  2. 4. Writing
    1. integrated task
      1. Information
        1. Based on
          1. Reading passage and related lecture
          2. based on a short reading and a lecture
        2. Type of task
          1. Summarize and compare lecture and passage
        3. Timing
          1. Reading : 3 minutes
          2. Lecture : 2 minutes
          3. Writing : 20 minutes
        4. 200 words
      2. How to response
        1. 1. Summary information
          1. Take notes
        2. 2. Paraphrasing
          1. change to your own words
        3. 3. cite
          1. lecturer
          2. lecture
          3. passage
          4. article
          5. the author
        4. 4. synthesis
          1. link all information
      3. Outline
        1. Introduction
          1. Main topic of the passage and lecture
          2. How it relates
        2. Body
          1. Paragraph 2
          2. information of passage
          3. information of lecture
          4. how it relates
          5. Paragraph 3
          6. Paragraph 4
        3. Conclusion
          1. Brief summarizing sentence
    2. independent task
      1. Information
        1. Based on
          1. Topic
          2. based on your own knowledge and experience
        2. Type of task
          1. Give your opinion of an issue or express your personal preference
        3. Timing
          1. 30 minutes
        4. 300 words
      2. How to response
        1. 1. Summary information
          1. Take notes
        2. 2. Paraphrasing
          1. change to your own words
        3. 3. cite
          1. lecturer
          2. lecture
          3. passage
          4. article
          5. the author
        4. 4. synthesis
          1. link all information
      3. Outline
        1. Introduction
          1. Introduction to the general topic
          2. Thesis statemetn
        2. Body
          1. Paragraph 2
          2. Key point 1 of the passage
          3. describe it
          4. example, reasons and detail that support your preference
          5. Paragraph 3
          6. Paragraph 4
        3. Conclusion
          1. Summary or statement showing the significance of your opinion
  3. 2. Listening
    1. Information
      1. 2 conversations
        1. passage spends 2-3 minutes.
      2. 4 lectures/discussions
        1. passage spends 5-6 minutes.
      3. 34 questions
        1. 5 per conversation
        2. 6 per lecture
        3. multiple choice
      4. time = 60 mins.
    2. How to succeed
      1. Take notes and use your notes to answer
      2. answer promptly after the answer choices appear.
  4. 1. Reading
    1. Information
      1. 3 reading passages
        1. 600-700 words per reading
      2. 39 questions
        1. 12 - 14 questions per a passage
      3. time = 60 mins.
        1. 20 mins per a passage
      4. You can skip answers and come back to them later.
    2. How to succeed
      1. Reak and scan all passage ( read so fast )
        1. What is the story?
        2. What is the story of each paragraph?
      2. Look at Questions
        1. Look only questions
        2. don't look answers.
        3. try to remember the questions.
      3. Read the article with normal speed
        1. read with normal speed
        2. understand the story
        3. take an important note.
      4. Answer each questions.
        1. Answer only the question you know the answer
        2. skip the unknown question
        3. go back to unknown question when you have time
    3. Notice
      1. last two questions will be longer than other one.
      2. If you don't have time
        1. Do only vocabulary
        2. and reference questions
      3. use Review feature at the end of this section