1. Common methods to test ideas and beta products
    1. Conducting market research
    2. Launching pilot projects
    3. Gathering customer feedback
    4. Effective strategy
  2. Getting ideas tested from customer
    1. Good Strategy
  3. Getting the actual product tested directly from the customers
    1. Disaster Recipe
  4. Importance of Testing
    1. Safety net
    2. Identify potential issues
    3. Find better solutions before product launch
    4. Ensure quality
    5. Detect potential issues
  5. Testing helps to
    1. Identify bugs
    2. Address security vulnerabilities
    3. Increase user satisfaction
    4. Avoid unknown pitfalls
    5. Advocate for business risks
    6. Increase sellability
    7. Verify against marketing claims
    8. Reduce the risk of recalls
  6. Associated Risks
    1. Poor Quality
    2. Security Vulnerability
    3. Increased Maintenance & Support Costs
    4. Poor User Experience
    5. Poor software performance
    6. Compromised data integrity:
    7. Unreliable features
    8. Unmet customer expectations & standards
    9. Errors go unnoticed
    10. Data loss
    11. System crashes
    12. User Dissatisfaction
  7. Conclusion: Adopt a Test Strategy aligned with your business
    1. New to Testing field?
      1. Seek Expert advice
      2. Prepare Strategy Based on
        1. Need
        2. Context
        3. Future Plans
        4. Business
        5. Technology
  8. Key Benefits
    1. Improved Quality
    2. Increased Productivity & Faster Release Cycles
    3. Reduced Support & Maintenance Costs
    4. Improved Customer Satisfaction & Experience
    5. Increased Engineering Efficiency