1. Headings
    1. number sign
      1. #
    2. number
      1. correspond to heading level
    3. # heading level 1
      1. or
        1. Heading level 1 ===============
    4. ## heading level 2
      1. Heading level 2 ---------------
    5. any number ==
  2. Paragraphs
    1. a blank line
    2. don't indent paragraphs
  3. Line Breaks
    1. end line with >2 spaces
    2. type return
  4. Emphasis
    1. Bold
      1. 2 asterisks/underscores
      2. **bold text**
      3. __bold text__
    2. Italic
      1. 1 asterisk/underscore
      2. *cat's meow*
      3. _cat's meow_
    3. Bold and Italic
      1. 3 asterisk/underscore
      2. ***really important***
      3. ___really important___
      4. __*really important*__
      5. **_really important_**
  5. Blockquotes
    1. > paragraph
  6. Blockquotes & Multiple Paragraphs
    1. > on the blank lines
    2. > paragraph > > paragraph
  7. Nested Blockquotes
    1. >> paragraph to nest
    2. > paragraph > >> paragraph
  8. Blockquotes & Other Elements
    1. not all elements
    2. > *Everything*
    3. > - Revenue
  9. Lists
    1. Ordered Lists
      1. start with number 1
      2. line items with numbers
      3. numerical order or not
      4. example
        1. 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item 4. Fourth item
        2. 1. First item 1. Second item 1. Third item
        3. 1. First item 8. Second item 3. Third item
      5. 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item 1. Indented item 2. Indented item 4. Fourth item
    2. Unordered Lists
      1. -/*/+
      2. Indent for nested list
      3. - First item - Second item - Third item
      4. + First item * Second item - Third item + Fourth item
      5. - First item - Second item - Third item - Indented item - Indented item - Fourth item
  10. Adding Elements in Lists
    1. indent the element 4 spaces/1 tab
    2. Code Blocks
      1. 8 spaces or 2 tabs
  11. Code
    1. `
    2. type `nano`
  12. Horizontal Rules
    1. ***
    2. ---
    3. ___
    4. 3 or more
  13. Links
    1. [link text](URL)
    2. emphasize
      1. **[EFF](https://eff.org)**
      2. *[Markdown Guide](https://www.markdownguide.org)*
  14. URLs/Email
    1. <>
      1. turn to link
    2. <fake@example.com>
  15. Images
    1. ![alt text](path/URL "add title optionally")
    2. Linking images
      1. ![alt text](path/URL "add title optionally")(link)
  16. Escaping Characters
    1. \ character