1. Floating Topic
  2. Registration
    1. Manual
      1. email notification
      2. unique email
    2. Google+
    3. Box
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    5. LinkedIn
    6. Twitter
    7. FaceBook
    8. email notification
  3. LogIn
    1. Manual
    2. Social networks
    3. Recovery password
  4. Main Topic 6
  5. My Account
    1. Edit(Add) avatar
      1. Change position and rotation
    2. Update account data
    3. Links with social networks
  6. My Documents
    1. New Document
      1. Create manual
      2. Import
        1. GoogleDrive
        2. Box
        3. Dropbox
        4. From computer
      3. Select from template
      4. Create body of documents
        1. Rename
        2. Formatting text(like Word)
        3. Save document
        4. Link smth
    2. Template
    3. Current Documents
      1. Sort
      2. Filter
      3. Displaying Docs
        1. List view
        2. Tablet view
      4. Properties
        1. Suggestions
        2. Changes
        4. Owner Mark
        5. Team
        6. History info
          1. Title
          2. Owned by
          3. Update by
        7. Tags
          1. Add
          2. Delete
      5. Edit Docs
        1. Frozen title
        2. Edit body of doc
        3. Right-side menu
          1. Edit
          2. Add comment
          3. Comment Feed
          4. Filter
          5. By member
          6. Share
          7. Subtopic 8
          8. Team
          9. Invite Member
          10. From Base
          11. Team Feed
          12. Move to User
          13. Cloud
          14. View All
          15. Teams
          16. Add team
          17. Team Fead
          18. Delete Team
          19. Questions
          20. History (fead)
          21. Current version
          22. Previous/Next Versions
          23. View this version
          24. Original Doc
          25. Common properties
          26. Update by
          27. last update (date)
          28. Number of version
          29. Settings(Reviewing)
          30. Reviewer name
          31. click
          32. send email using mail client
          33. Group name
          34. dropdown
          35. current team by default
          36. Reviewer rights
          37. dropdown
          38. edit by default
          39. delete
          40. Add another
          41. Reviewer name
          42. Group name
          43. Reviewer rights
          44. Links with contacts
          45. Google+
          46. Box
          47. Dropbox
          48. LinkedIn
          49. Twitter
          50. FaceBook
          51. Save settings
          52. Cancel
          53. Docs Settings
          54. Edit
          55. Owner name
          56. Archive doc
          57. Team
          58. Tags
        4. Reviewing
          1. Draft
          2. Dashboard
          3. Document
          4. Templates
          5. Archive
          6. People
          7. MyAccount
          8. Review
          9. Userpic
          10. Click
          11. Align to smb
          12. Aproove
      6. Additional
        1. Share
        2. Message
        3. Delegate
          1. only for owner
        4. Use a Template
        5. Duplicate
        6. Delete
        7. Archive
  7. Dashboard
  8. the Same functional