1. electron vs light microscope
    1. difference
      1. rediation
        1. visible light
        2. eletron beam
      2. resolution
        1. better resolution vs poor resolution
        2. the ability to see distance between 2 dots
        3. determined by the wavelength of lights / radiation, =1/2 wavelength
        4. 0.5 nm vs 200nm
      3. magnification
        1. million vs thousand
      4. specimen
        1. dead vs living
      5. dehydration or not
        1. dehydration vs no dehydration
      6. pigment
        1. heavy metal vs color pigment
      7. cost
        1. expensive vs cheap
    2. eletron microscope
      1. TEM transverse Electron microsocpe
        1. 2D / slice
      2. SEM Scan electron microscope
        1. 3D / surface
    3. stage micrometer vs eyepiece graticule
  2. animal cell vs plant cell under light microscope
  3. cell structure
    1. plant cell
      1. both
        1. below
      2. only plant
        1. cellulose cell wall +(plasmodesmata,pectin)
          1. has plasmodesmata
          2. to allow efficient diffusion of water or sucrose (from companion cell to sieve tube element)
        2. central vacuole +(tonoplast)
          1. function: store water /waste/food
          2. structure
          3. 1 membrane, is called tonoplast
        3. chloroplast (granna/ thylakoid)
          1. function: photosynthesis to make glucose
          2. structures
          3. contain chlorophyll
          4. double membrane
          5. circular DNA
          6. 70s ribosome
          7. thylakoids / grana
    2. animal cell
      1. both
        1. cell membrane control materials in and out
          1. bilayer of phospholipid
          2. hydrophilic head
          3. form hydrogen bonds with water, to stabilise the cell membrane
          4. hydrophobic tail
          5. form the hydrophobic core to prevent entry or exit of polar molecules, e.g. water, glucose, minerals, amino acids
          6. protein
          7. transport protein
          8. channel protein
          9. carrier protein
          10. glycoprotein
          11. cholesterol
          12. stabilise cell membrane
          13. 7nm
        2. cytoplasm
          1. jelly-like substance, site of chemical reactions
        3. nucleus
          1. nuclear envelope
          2. double membranes
          3. has nuclear pores (to allow mRNA, tRNA and amino acid to move in and out)
          4. nucleolus
          5. assemble (80s) ribosome
          6. nuclear plasma
        4. (80s) ribosome
          1. 22-25nm
          2. protein synthesis
          3. may attach on rough endoplasmic reticulum
          4. making protein, used outside of cell
          5. may freely moving in cytoplasm
          6. making protein , used in cell
        5. mitochondria
          1. function: provide energy, produce ATP
          2. structure
          3. double membranes
          4. outer membrane
          5. inner: cristae
          6. 70s ribosome
          7. circular DNA
        6. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
          1. function: involved in making lipid or steroid
          2. structures
          3. single membranes
          4. without ribosomes attached on it
        7. rough endoplasmic reticulum
          1. function: involved in protein synthesis, (to form vesicle which transport polypeptide to golgi body)
          2. structures
          3. extended from nuclear envelope
          4. single membrane
          5. cisternae
          6. lumen between membranes, which can allow long polypeptides to enter
          7. with many ribosomes attached on it
        8. Golgi body /Golgi complex /Golgi apparatus
          1. function: process protein, package protein, modification of protein form Golgi vesicles, add carbohydrate onto polypeptide to form glycoprotein/glycosylation
          2. structure
          3. single membrane
          4. near the edge, there are many Golgi vesicle
        9. Golgi vesicle
          1. function: transport proteins outside of cell, through exocytosis (ATP)
        10. cytoskeleton
          1. function
          2. to support cell
          3. to form spindle fibre (involved in mitosis)
          4. to provide pathway for exocytosis
          5. structures
          6. is made up of microtubules, which is made up of tubulin
      2. only animal
        1. microvilli
          1. increase surface area for absorption
        2. lysosome (animal vesicle)
          1. contain hydrolytic enzymes to digest bacteria or old cell parts
        3. centriole /centrosome
          1. to assemble spindle fibres and involved in cell division
          2. centriole is made up of microtubules
  4. membraned structure
    1. no membrane
      1. ribosome
      2. cytoskelton
      3. centriole
    2. single
      1. lysosome
      2. golgi vesicle
      3. golgi body
      4. central vacuole
      5. ER
        1. smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
        2. rough endoplasmic reticulum
    3. double
      1. nucleus
      2. mitochondria
      3. chloroplast
  5. prokaryotes vs eukaryotes (without nucleus vs has nucleus)
    1. normal structure of prokaryotes
      1. cell wall
        1. contain murein/peptidoglycan the cross linkage is peptide bond
      2. cell membrane
      3. cytoplasm
      4. 70s ribosome
      5. nucleoid / circular DNA / naked DNA
    2. abnormal structures of prokaryotes
      1. pili
        1. for attachment on host cell
      2. flagellum
        1. for swimming
      3. capsule
        1. for extra protection
      4. mesosome (in-folded cell membrane, it may contain enzymes)
      5. plasmid
        1. small ring of circular DNA
    3. prokaryote vs eukaryotes
      1. prokaryote vs eukaryote
        1. nucleus
          1. X
          2. V
        2. 80s ribosome
          1. X
          2. V
        3. 70s ribosome
          1. V
          2. V
        4. mitochondria
          1. X
          2. V
        5. endoplasmic reticulum
          1. X
          2. V
        6. Golgi body + Golgi vesicle
          1. X
          2. V
        7. linear DNA
          1. X
          2. V
        8. Circular DNA
          1. V
          2. V
        9. chromosome (DNA associated with histone)
          1. X
          2. V
        10. naked DNA
          1. V
          2. V (mitochondria)
  6. virus
    1. contain protein coat/ capsid, which is made up of capsisome(protein)
    2. nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)
    3. without cell structure
  7. size
    1. stage micrometer vs eyepiece graticule
    2. virus < bacteria < animal < plant 10-50nm < 50-500nm < 20000nm< 50000nm
    3. cell structure
      1. 7nm (cell membrane)
      2. ribosome
        1. 70s -- 20nm
        2. 80s---25 nm
      3. golgi vesicle
        1. 50nm
      4. lysosome
        1. 100-400nm
      5. centriole
        1. 50 * 500nm
      6. mitochondria
        1. 100*1000nm
      7. chloroplast
        1. 400*2000nm
      8. nucleus (10000nm)
        1. nucleolus(2000-4000nm)