1. teacher supported
    1. live?
    2. virtual?
    3. combination
    4. on-site
  2. technology
    1. how much?
    2. type
    3. only on-line?
    4. classroom tech
    5. virtual worlds
  3. applicable for
    1. audience
      1. sped
      2. gifted
      3. post-secondary
      4. higher ed
      5. any/every student
  4. definition of PLE
    1. definition in relationship to educational settings
      1. K-12
      2. administration
      3. university level
      4. two year college
  5. history
    1. audience
    2. purpose
    3. content/context
  6. curriculum
    1. content/standards
    2. context
    3. cross-curricular
    4. single subject
  7. funding
    1. public
    2. private
    3. government
    4. corporate