1. Plan your speach
    1. Slides
    2. Cards with main points
    3. Emphasize or repeat particularly important lines
    4. Research Your Audience
  2. Practice as more as possible!
    1. Rehearse your speech
    2. Learning
      1. Find a coacher
      2. Take a course
      3. Watch Others
    3. PowerPoint karaoke
  3. Think about Interactivity
    1. Your speach
      1. Stories
      2. Clear instructions
      3. Pause
      4. Speak slowly
      5. Minimize filler words and stammering
    2. Yourself
      1. Allow yourself to be led
      2. Be yourself
        1. Be funny
        2. Be positive
        3. Express emotion
      3. Open body language
      4. Try to cope with your nerves
      5. Eyes contacts
      6. Use gestures in tandem with what you're saying
      7. Not Be Afraid to Fail
    3. Audience
      1. Give audience space
      2. Engage their minds before asking questions
      3. Lead their emotions
      4. Take into account
        1. Different Cultures
      5. Asking questions
      6. Get allies
  4. Be prepare to Disasters
    1. expected 10 get 100
    2. unexpected recording
    3. not my desk
    4. missing kit
    5. failing kit
    6. breaking a promise
  5. Receive and analyze feedback from audience
    1. Questions
      1. Allow them WIN!
      2. Be polite
      3. You can say NO
  6. Analyze
    1. yourself
      1. Watch recordings of your speeches
    2. audience
      1. Bored people?
  7. Improve!
  8. Sourses
    1. Workshop for speakers with @workroomprds and @Btknaack at @AgileTD
    2. https://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/PublicSpeaking.htm
    3. https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Speaker
    4. https://collegeinfogeek.com/public-speaking-tips/
    5. https://www.inc.com/drew-hendricks/25-tips-to-become-a-better-public-speaker.html
    6. https://www.inc.com/sims-wyeth/14-must-haves-to-be-a-great-public-speaker.html