Plan your speach
- Slides
- Cards with main points
- Emphasize or repeat particularly important lines
- Research Your Audience
Practice as more as possible!
- Rehearse your speech
- Find a coacher
- Take a course
- Watch Others
- PowerPoint karaoke
Think about Interactivity
Your speach
- Stories
- Clear instructions
- Pause
- Speak slowly
- Minimize filler words and stammering
- Allow yourself to be led
Be yourself
- Be funny
- Be positive
- Express emotion
- Open body language
- Try to cope with your nerves
- Eyes contacts
- Use gestures in tandem with what you're saying
- Not Be Afraid to Fail
- Give audience space
- Engage their minds before asking questions
- Lead their emotions
Take into account
- Different Cultures
- Asking questions
- Get allies
Be prepare to Disasters
- expected 10 get 100
- unexpected recording
- not my desk
- missing kit
- failing kit
- breaking a promise
Receive and analyze feedback from audience
- Allow them WIN!
- Be polite
- You can say NO
- Watch recordings of your speeches
- Bored people?
- Improve!
- Workshop for speakers with @workroomprds and @Btknaack at @AgileTD
- https://www.mindtools.com/CommSkll/PublicSpeaking.htm
- https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Speaker
- https://collegeinfogeek.com/public-speaking-tips/
- https://www.inc.com/drew-hendricks/25-tips-to-become-a-better-public-speaker.html
- https://www.inc.com/sims-wyeth/14-must-haves-to-be-a-great-public-speaker.html