1. Delivery - Service Line One
    1. Survey Prep
      1. Questionnaire
        1. Generate questionnaire for updates from the client
          1. Check for changes via research
          2. Send to CS
        2. Send to request updates from clients
      2. Contract Spec Report
        1. Generate Contract Specification Report
        2. Send Report to CS
        3. Review and return with any changes
      3. Generate memos and send
        1. When data is coming out
      4. Update logos as needed
        1. Cover page
        2. Theme
        3. Sample report to consultants for approval
      5. Update distribution list
      6. Confirm proper reboot of remote machines
    2. Type A
      1. Deliverables
        1. Advanced data
          1. Download
          2. Run report
          3. Prepare automated files
          4. Client specific customizations
          5. Make copies
          6. Run data assistant
          7. Notify rest of production team
        2. Snapshot
          1. Fixes for specific markets
          2. Attach to email draft
          3. QC review
          4. Send to client
      2. Post-production
        1. Post-survey analytics
        2. Debrief/prep for next cycle
    3. Type B
      1. Pre-production
        1. Determine what data is needed - CNA meeting with select managers
          1. Categories
          2. Design elements
          3. Client preferences
          4. Demos
        2. Prepare prototype for client approval
          1. Research
          2. Create
          3. Create slides from research
          4. Update data in prototype
          5. Request graphics from QC
          6. QC creates needed visuals
          7. Proof
          8. Send to client
        3. Receive client approval for prototype
      2. Send heads up email to client
      3. Presentation
        1. Prepare templates for each market from the prototype
          1. Make more generic
          2. Proof
          3. Duplicate for each market
        2. Create assignment spreadsheet to track production
        3. Draft email for sending the presentation to the client
          1. Create
          2. Proof
        4. Create presentation within the templates
        5. Proof
          1. Visual
          2. Verification
          3. Validation
          4. Make small tweaks directly or send back to Production
        6. Send to CS team
        7. Review
        8. Upload files to portal
        9. Notify client
      4. Meet with client about how to use the data
  2. Prototype approval
  3. Proof
  4. Create prototype
  5. Research
  6. Category approval
  7. Finalize schedule
  8. Set up generic template
  9. Proof
  10. Duplicate for all markets
  11. Assignment spreadsheet
  12. Draft presentation email
  13. Proof
  14. Presentation
  15. Proof
  16. Notify client
  17. Portal
  18. Review
  19. Complete
  20. Proof and finalize
  21. Post to portal and notify client
  22. Gather client updates
  23. Incorporate data
  24. Generate questionnaire
  25. Incorporate data
  26. Review and return
  27. Generate spec report
  28. Questionnaire
  29. Spec report
  30. Client
  31. Process flow for most deliverables
  32. Snapshot
  33. Fix specific markets
  34. Review
  35. Send to client
  36. Needs assessment