1. Organizational Culture
    1. basic
    2. assumptions
    3. deep patterns
    4. Inadequacies
    5. Practices, symbols, values and assumptions related to behavior
    6. Norms right vs wrong
    7. Determines decision making
      1. Deeper level of basic assumptions
      2. unconscious
      3. Social Force
      4. Themes
        1. meaning
        2. direction
        3. mobilization
    8. Increase Cultural Awareness
      1. Double Loop Learning
        1. reflect on actions
        2. consider actions and problems
        3. recognize need for change
        4. perceive change roles
        5. Only happens if we questions norms
      2. implication knowledge
        1. flexibility vs control
        2. internal vs external
    9. Core Cultures
      1. on content
      2. process how decide
      3. Characteristics
        1. Control
        2. Collaboration
        3. Competence
        4. Cultivation
    10. Shared vaules are Critical
      1. Adaptive creation
      2. vision
      3. may be abstract
        1. motivation
          1. Difficult in cross discipline cultures
    11. Create Culture
      1. Prepare
      2. Manage
      3. Organize
  2. obstacles
    1. time/money
    2. individual/social
    3. honesty
      1. failed
        1. lack of data
          1. more important data
    4. motivation
    5. leadership
    6. communication
      1. can not simply be stored
    7. 12 characteristics
      1. messy
      2. self organizing
      3. seeks groups of people
      4. travels on language
      5. carelessness
      6. shape of experiments
      7. does not grow forever
      8. social phenonmena
      9. organically
      10. multi-modal
      11. requires flow
        1. Velocity
    8. requirements
      1. multidimensional means of facillitating input
      2. effective ways of sorting useful from useless
      3. develop an organizational culture
  3. knowledge transfer
    1. Effectivness
      1. Temporary Employees
      2. Diverse Skills
    2. Promote
      1. Individual
      2. Group
      3. Organizational
    3. biggest challenge is not tech but culture
      1. Perception of holding information is more important than sharing it
      2. 80% CULTURE IS #1 Obstacle
        1. Project Managers Crucial Role
      3. Subtopic 3
  4. Knowledge def
    1. Organize Data
    2. Sort and Structure
    3. Absorbtion
    4. Behavior
    5. Tacit Explicit
    6. Knowledge Flows
      1. solution
      2. experience
      3. Socially Created
        1. shared through social relationships
        2. informal, unstructured communication, sense making, discussion, negotiation, argument
  5. Characteristics
    1. Types of
      1. stand-alone
      2. subsidiaries
      3. consortiums
    2. complex managerial process
  6. Knowledge Management
    1. complexity
    2. requirements to continuously learn
    3. Stored Knowledge
    4. Ideal Senario
      1. Transfer Knowledge
    5. Mal Scenario
      1. Failure to appraise and learn
      2. Repeat Historical Errors
      3. Data Capture
        1. Failure to Munge the Data
      4. Overwhelmed Employees
    6. Knowledge Based Organizations
      1. organizational
      2. project-based
      3. project specific
    7. project specific knowledge
      1. technical knowledge
      2. project managment Knowledge
      3. project related knowledge
        1. held only by team
          1. need to make available
  7. Project Tips
    1. How Communicate
    2. What Improve? What Slowed?
    3. What Knowledge Forwarded
    4. What progress
    5. Which issues are critical for knowledge aquistion
    6. What can be performed well
    7. What are Complications
    8. Increase Success
      1. Organizations are living Social Systems
      2. assess, identify culture and align
      3. recognize cuture and function of
  8. Conclusion
    1. Prepare to accept, adopt, utilize
    2. not just transfer
      1. facilitates, encourages
        1. creation
        2. sharing
        3. utilization
    3. merge cultures