1. Rouge : élément obligatoire
  2. SourceInformation
    1. aggregationMethod (type : AggregationMethodValue = codelist extensible) 1..*
      1. observationAggregation
      2. scientificAnalysis
    2. sourceMethod (type : SourceMethodValue = codelist with subclasses extensible) 1
      1. Article17SourceMethodValue (subclass of SourceMethodValue, type : codelist not extensible)
        1. completeSurvey
        2. estimatePartial
        3. estimateExpert
        4. absentData
      2. GeneralSourceMethodValue (subclass of SourceMethodValue, type : codelist not extensible)
        1. collectionExamination
        2. gridMapping
        3. lineSampling
        4. literatureExamination
        5. randomObservations
        6. statisticalSampling
    3. inspireId (type : Identifier) 0..1
      1. localId (type: CharacterString) 1
      2. namespace (type: CharacterString) 1
      3. versionId (type: CharacterString) 0..1
    4. methodReference (type : CharacterString) 0..1
    5. sourceProvider (type : SourceProviderType) 1..*
      1. institutionName (type : CI_ResponsibleParty) 1
        1. individualName (type : CharacterString) 0..1
        2. organisationName (type : CharacterString) 0..1
        3. positionName (type : CharacterString) 0..1
        4. contactInfo (type :CI_Contact) 0..1
          1. phone (type : CI_Telephone) 0..1
          2. voice (type : CharacterString) 0..*
          3. facsimile (type : CharacterString) 0..*
          4. address (type : CI_Address) 0..1
          5. deliveryPoint (type : CharacterString) 0..*
          6. city (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          7. administrativeArea (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          8. postalCode (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          9. country (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          10. electronicMailAddress (type : CharacterString) 0..*
          11. onlineResource (type : CI_OnlineResource) 0..1
          12. linkage (type : URL) 1
          13. protocol (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          14. applicationProfile (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          15. name (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          16. description (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          17. function (type : CI_OnLineFunctionCode) 0..1
          18. hoursOfService (type : CharacterString) 0..1
          19. contactInstructions (type : CharacterString) 0..1
        5. role (type : CI_RoleCode = codelist) 1
          1. resourceProvider
          2. custodian
          3. owner
          4. sponsor
          5. user
          6. distributor
          7. originator
          8. pointOfContact
          9. principalInvestigator
          10. processor
          11. publisher
          12. author
          13. scienceParty
      2. sourceDatabase (type : CharacterString) 0..*
    6. validFrom (type : DateTime) 1
    7. validTo (type : DateTime) 0..1
    8. localSpeciesName (type : LocalSpeciesNameType) 0..*
      1. localSpeciesNameValue (type: CharacterString) 1
      2. localSpeciesSchemeId (type: CharacterString) 1
      3. qualifier (type: QualifierValue = codelist not extensible) 0..1
        1. congruent
        2. includedIn
        3. includes
        4. excludes
        5. overlaps
  3. SpeciesDistributionUnit
    1. NOTE 1 The definition in INSPIRE Directive proposal does not include individual observations or other point based data, but focuses on aggregated versions of data about geographical distribution of species. Aggregation can be at any level of resolution, e.g. in geographical grid systems divided into 100x100 meter grid or 50x50km grid cells. Possibly also point-based observations and isolines generation between occurrences should be accepted and included in INSPIRE. Possibly these can be defined as options in the "other analytical unit". Aggregation may also be interpreted not only as space-based aggregation, but time-based aggregation as well.
    2. NOTE 2 Only species are mentioned in the INSPIRE definition. But earlier INSPIRE documents (INPIRE IMS, 2003) mentions both species or species grouped e.g. to families. So we interprete species as taxa, which means taxonomic units at any systematic rank, like subspecies, species, genus, family etc...
    3. inspireId (type: Identifier) 0..1
      1. localId (type: CharacterString) 1
      2. namespace (type: CharacterString) 1
      3. versionId (type: CharacterString) 0..1
    4. distributionInfo (type : DistributionInfoType) 0..*
      1. NOTE: If species is not searched for, distributionInfo is void, with reason "unknown"
      2. countingMethod (type : CountingMethodValue = codelist extensible) 1
        1. counted
        2. estimated
        3. calculated
      3. countingUnit (type : CountingUnitValue = codelist with subclasses extensible) 1
        1. Article17CountingUnitValue (subclass of CountingUnitValue, type : codelist not extensible)
          1. adults
          2. colonies
          3. individuals
          4. localities
          5. males
          6. pairs
          7. breedingFemales
          8. callingMales
          9. floweringStems
          10. inhabitedLogs
          11. inhabitedStonesOrBoulders
          12. inhabitedTrees
          13. shoots
          14. tufts
          15. length
          16. area
        2. GeneralCountingUnitValue (subclass of CountingUnitValue, type : codelist not extensible)
          1. colonies
          2. individuals
          3. pairs
          4. shoots
          5. tufts
      4. numericalRange (type : RangeType) 0..1
        1. NOTE Only used if the specific numerical count is not known.
        2. upperBound (type : Integer) 0..1
        3. lowerBound (type : Integer) 0..1
      5. specificNumericalCount (type : Integer) 0..1
        1. NOTE: If species is searched for but not found, this value is 0
      6. residencyStatus (type : ResidencyStatusValue = codelist not extensible) 0..1
        1. concentration
        2. cultivated
        3. extinct
        4. introducedEstablished
        5. introducedImpermanent
        6. native
        7. naturallyImpermanent
        8. permanent
        9. probablyExtinct
        10. re-introducedOrTranslocated
        11. reproducing
        12. wintering
      7. sensitiveInfo (type : Boolean) 0..1
    5. Association role: monitoringFacility (type : EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility) 0..*
  4. SpeciesDistributionCoverage
    1. inspireId (type: Identifier) 1
      1. localId (type: CharacterString) 1
      2. namespace (type: CharacterString) 1
      3. versionId (type: CharacterString) 0..1
    2. referenceSpeciesId (type : CharacterString) 1
    3. referenceSpeciesScheme (type : ReferenceSpeciesSchemeValue = codelist not extensible) 1
      1. eunis
      2. eunomen
      3. natureDirectives
    4. beginLifespanVersion (type : DateTime) 1
    5. endLifespanVersion (type : DateTime) 1
    6. domainExtent (type : EX_GeographicExtent) 1
    7. MultiSurface RectifiedGrid MultiPoint