1. Normal cell growth and DNA rearrangement
  2. Sporulation triggered
  3. Start
  4. Spores take up metal (yes/no?)
  5. DNA rearrangment
  6. smtA metallothionein expression plus protein tag
  7. Cadmium is taken in through the mntH influx pump
  8. Is Cd Present?
  9. Cell enters the first stochastic switch
  10. Cell enters the second stochastic switch
  11. cadA rendered inactive
  12. smtA metallothionein sequesters Cd2
  13. smtA metallothionein incorporated into spore
  14. ger gene rearranged germination can't happen
  15. Expression of DNAase to prevent any chance of germination
  16. Finish
  17. GFP system