1. Decide what island you want to learn about.
    1. Decide what island you want to learn about.
    2. Find a Web site or a book that has stories of the islands.
  2. Decide how many scenes are in the story.
    1. A scene can be a change of place or time within the story
    2. Each scene will be a different background in your video.
  3. Decide who the main characters will be.
    1. Characters make the story interesting, so make your characters come alive.
    2. Characters tell the story through dialog and action.
    3. Conversations are marked with quotation marks
  4. Build a storyboard.
    1. A story board is a visual of each scene and simple sketches of what it will look like with each character.
    2. A storyboard allows you to "see" what the video will look like when you are done.
  5. Get your topic and script approved before you begin your storyboard.
    1. The teacher needs to evaluate your progress.
    2. The teacher can help you develop your script, or make suggestions.
  6. Draw the backgrounds for each scene.
    1. A good background will help set a mood for your story.
  7. Record your video.
    1. A good video recording includes scene transitions, music where appropriate, a title page, and credits.
  8. 7. Design your characters
    1. Characters can be yourself, as in a play
    2. They can be drawings, like in a book. They can also be puppets.