Key Features
- 1) Learn from a working professional
- 2) Practical learning.🌟
- 3) Real-time projects.🤳
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- 9) 52 Live doubt solving sessions Every Week
- 10) Learn as per your flexibility via phone, tablets, laptop, or desktop.✨
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- 12) Lifetime access to all modules, sessions, ebooks, and Datasets.
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- 14) Be a part of India's First Data Literacy Mission🥇
Module 1
Getting Handy with Excel
- Knowing Excel Part 1
- Knowing Excel Part 2
Basics of Excel
- Basic Arithmetic Operations SUM, MAX, MIN, SMALL, LARGE & MEDIAN
- Transpose Vs TRANSPOSE Formula
- Quick Calculations using Status Bar
- Calculating Growth Percentage YoY & Using POWER Formula
- Tricks for ROUND Formulas
- Autofilling option for Numbers, Days, Dates, Months
- Hide & Unhine Options Moving Data in Worksheets
Formatting Options in Excel
- Ways to Format Cells
- Formatting Numbers in different ways
- Formatting lengthy text using Wrap Text and Alignment
- All about Format Painter
- Working with Tables
- Fixing Rows and Columns using Freeze Panes
- Grouping and Gridlines
- Creating drop down list
- Activating Developer Mode in Excel
- All about Comments
Sort and Filter Option
- Sorting Numbers and Dates in Different ways
- Sorting text alphabetically (A-Z) or (Z-A)
- Sorting by Cell Colour
- 2 Level Sorting & Tricks for Sorting
- Basics of Filter by using SUM & SUBTOTAL
- Advanced Filter Vs General Filter
- Increasing productivity with slicer
- OFFTOPIC - How to use Cell Referencing ($) in formulas
Working with Dates
- Dates in Excel and Calculating the duration using two dates with timestamp
- Using Date Formulas
- Experimenting with Date Formulas
Logical Functions
- Basic Logical Formulas
- Using multiple Logical formulas - IF, AND, OR & Implementing on Text, Numbers, & Errors including IFERROR
Practical Data Cleaning
- Removing duplicate values and error values
- Using Data Cleaning Formulas UPPER, PROPER, LOWER, TRIM, VALUE, LEN, RIGHT, LEFT & MID
- Using Go To (Special) technique
- Splitting data values Using Text to Column feature
- Text to Column feature
- Using CONCATENATE and Ampersand (&) to join values
- Using Find & Replace feature
Pivot Table A-2-Z
- Getting started with Pivot Table
- Grouping and Multiple tables in Pivot Table
- Pivot Table for grouping Via Date, Blank Cells
- Custom Grouping, Conditional Formatting in Pivot Table
- Refresh Data, Sheets Via Division, ColorScale in Pivot Table
Everything about LOOKUp Formulas
- Basics of VLOOKUp
- More about VLOOKUp
- Vlookup vs. Hlookup
- Using VLOOKUp with TRUE
- Basics of MATCH formula
- 2D Lookup using VLOOKUP & MATCH
- Inter-worksheet 2D Lookup using VLOOKUP & MATCH
- Reverse Lookup using INDEX & MATCH
- Fuzzy Lookup
- Using VLOOKUP & INDIRECT formula
- 3D Lookup using VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDIRECT & name ranges?
- Using OFFSET formula for Dynamic Ranges
Conditional Aggregation
- Basics of COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF formula
Conditional Formatting
- Conditional Formatting - Color cells using conditions
- Formula-based Conditional Formatting
Analysis using What-If
- Basics of Data Table feature of What-If Analysis
- What-If Analysis with INDIRECT formula
- More about What-If Analysis
Report Consolidation
- Hidden trick of Consolidation using SUM for multiple sheets
- Using CONSOLIDATE feature of Excel
- Using SUBTOTAL feature of Excel using one criterion
Basics of Macros
- What is VBA Macros?
- How to enable Developer Tab in Excel?
- Creating, Running and Saving a Macro
- Running a Macro in Different Ways
- Understanding VBA Workspace and Recoring the Macro
- How to get VBA Codes?
Module 2
Lesson 2 - Data Analytics Overview
- 2.01 Introduction
- 2.02 Data Analytics - Importance
- 2.03 Digital Analytics: Impact on Accounting
- 2.04 Data Analytics Overview
- 2.05 Types of Data Analytics
- 2.06 Descriptive Analytics
- 2.07 Diagnostic Analytics
- 2.08 Predictive Analytics
- 2.09 Prescriptive Analytics
- 2.10 Data Analytics - Amazon Example
- 2.11 Data Analytics Benefits Decision-Making
- 2.12 Data Analytics Benefits: Cost Reduction
- 2.13 Data Analytics Benefits: Amazon Example
- 2.14 Data Analytics: Other Benefits
- 2.15 Key Takeaways
Lesson 3 - Dealing with Different Types of Data
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Terminologies in Data Analytics - Part One
- 3.3 Terminologies in Data Analytics - Part Two
- 3.4 Types of Data
- 3.5 Qualitative and Quantitative Data
- 3.6 Data Levels of Measurement
- 3.7 Normal Distribution of Data
- 3.8 Statistical Parameters
- 3.9 Key Takeaways
Lesson 4 - Data Visualization for Decision making
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Data Visualization
- 4.3 Understanding Data Visualization
- 4.4 Commonly Used Visualizations
- 4.5 Frequency Distribution Plot
- 4.6 Swarm Plot
- 4.7 Importance of Data Visualization
- 4.8 Data Visualization Tools - Part One
- 4.9 Data Visualization Tools - Part Two
- 4.10 Languages and Libraries in Data Visualization
- 4.11 Dashboard Based Visualization
- 4.12 BI and Visualization Trends
- 4.13 BI Software Challenges
- 4.14 Key Takeaways
Lesson 5 - Data Science, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning
- 5.01 Introduction
- 5.02 The Data Science Domain
- 5.03 Data Science, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning - Overlaps
- 5.04 Data Science Demystified
- 5.05 Data Science and Business Strategy
- 5.06 Successful Companies Using Data Science
- 5.09 E-commerce and Crime agencies
- 5.10 Analytical Platforms across Industries
- 5.11 Key Takeaways
- 5.7 Travel Industry
- 5.8 Retail
Lesson 6 - Data Science Methodology
- 6.01 Introduction
- 6.02 Data Science Methodology
- 6.03 From Business Understanding to Analytic Approach
- 6.04 From Requirements to Collection
- 6.05 From Understanding to Preparation
- 6.06 From Modeling to Evaluation
- 6.07 From Deployment to Feedback
- 6.08 Key Takeaways
Lesson 7 - Data Analytics in Different Sectors
- 7.01 Introduction
- 7.02 Analytics for Products or Services
- 7.03 How Google Uses Analytics
- 7.05 How Amazon Uses Analytics
- 7.08 Media and Entertainment Industry
- 7.09 Education Industry
- 7.10 Healthcare Industry
- 7.11 Government
- 7.12 Weather Forecasting
- 7.13 Key Takeaways
- 7.04 How LinkedIn Uses Analytics
- 7.06 Netflix- Using Analytics to Drive Engagement
- 7.07 Netflix- Using Analytics to Drive Success
Lesson 8 - Analytics Framework and Latest trends
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Case Study: EY
- 8.3 Customer Analytics Framework
- 8.4 Data Understanding
- 8.5 Data Preparation
- 8.6 Modeling
- 8.7 Model Monitoring
- 8.8 Latest Trends in Data Analytics
- 8.9 Graph Analytics
- 8.10 Automated Machine Learning
- 8.11 Open Source AI
- 8.12 Key Takeaways
Module 3
Course Introduction
- Python can be used for Finance?
- Introduction to Google Colab
- Worksheet 1
- Worksheet 1 Solutions
Python Fundamentals
- Tokens
- Variable & Assignments
- Worksheet 2.1
- Worksheet 2.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 2.2
- Worksheet 2.2 Solutions
Data Handling
- Data Types
- Operators
- Mutable & Immutable Data
- Expressions
- Working with Math Modules
- Using Python for basic TVM Problems
- Worksheet 3.1
- Worksheet 3.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 3.2
- Worksheet 3.2 Solutions
- Worksheet 3.3
- Worksheet 3.3 Solutions
Flow of Control
- Types of Statements in Python
- Statement Flow Control
- If Statement & If-Else Statement
- Elif Statement & Nested If Statement
- The Range() Function
- Iteration/Looping Statements
- Worksheet 4.1
- Worksheet 4.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 4.2
- Worksheet 4.2 Solutions
- Worksheet 4.3
- Worksheet 4.3 Solutions
List Manipulation
- Creating and Accessing Lists
- List Operations
- Making True Copy of the List
- List Functions and Methods
- Worksheet 5.1
- Worksheet 5.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 5.2
- Worksheet 5.2 Solutions
- Worksheet 5.3
- Worksheet 5.3 Solutions
- Introduction Dictionary – Key: Value Pair
- Working with Dictionaries
- Dictionary Functions and Methods
- Worksheet 6.1
- Worksheet 6.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 6.2
- Worksheet 6.2 Solutions
- Worksheet 6.3
- Worksheet 6.3 Solutions
- Introduction to Functions
- Building Functions with Python
- Worksheet 7.1
- Worksheet 7.1 Solutions
- Worksheet 7.2
- Worksheet 7.2 Solutions
- Worksheet 7.3
- Worksheet 7.3 Solutions
Working with Files
- Working with a Text File
- Creating and Renaming
- Working with other files using Pandas
Module 4
Numpy Crash Course
- Why Numpy? Numpy Array VS Python List
- How to Use Numpy
- Basic Operations in Numpy
- Numpy Arrays: Boolean Indexing
- Generating Random Numbers
- Performance Issues
- Statistics with Numpy
- Numpy 2D Array
n Dimensional Numpy Arrays
- How to work with nested Lists
- 2-dimensional Numpy Arrays
- Slicing 2-dim Numpy Arrays
- performing row-wise and column-wise Operations on n-dimensional arrays
- Reshaping and Transposing 2-dim Numpy Arrays
- Creating 2-dim Numpy Arrays from Scratch
- Arithmetic & Vectorized Operations with 2-dim Numpy Arrays
- The keepdims parameter
- Adding & Removing Elements
- Merging and Concatenating Numpy Arrays
Importing Data - Pandas
- Importing csv-files with pd.read_csv
- Importing messy csv-files with pd.read_csv
- Importing Data from Excel with pd.read_excel()
- Importing messy Data from Excel with pd.read_excel()
- Importing Data from the Web with pd.read_html()
Cleaning Data
- First Inspection & Handling of inconsistent Data
- String Operations
- Changing Datatype of Columns with astype()
- Intro NA values / missing values
- Detection of missing Values
- Removing missing values
- Replacing missing values
- Intro Duplicates
- Detection of Duplicates
- Handling / Removing Duplicates
- Detection of Outliers
- Handling / Removing Outliers
- Categorical Data
Merging, Joining, and Concatenating Data
- Adding Rows with append() and pd.concat()
- Arithmetic with Pandas Objects / Data Alignment
- Inner & Outer Joins with merge()
- Outer Joins (without Intersection) with merge()
- Left & Right Joins (without Intersection) with merge()
- Joining on different Column Names / Indexes
- Joining on more than one Column
- pd.merge() and join()
GroupBy Operations
- Understanding the GroupBy Object
- Splitting with many Keys
- split-apply-combine explained
- split-apply-combine applied
- Advanced aggregation with agg()
- GroupBy Aggregation with Relabeling (NEW - Pandas Version 0.25)
- Transformation with transform()
- Replacing NA Values by group-specific Values
- Generalizing split-apply-combine with apply()
- Hierarchical Indexing with Groupby
- stack() and unstack()
Reshaping and Pivoting DataFrames
- Transposing Rows and Columns
- Pivoting DataFrames with pivot()
- Limits of pivot()
- pivot_table()
- pd.crosstab()
- melting DataFrames with melt()
Data Preparation and Feature Creation
- Arithmetic Operations
- Transformation/Mapping with map()
- Conditional Transformation
- Discretization and Binning with pd.cut()
- Discretization and Binning with pd.qcut()
- Scaling / Standardization
- Creating Dummy Variables
- String Operations
Time Series in Pandas
- Importing Time Series Data from csv-files
- Converting strings to datetime objects with pd.to_datetime()
- Initial Analysis / Visualization of Time Series
- Indexing and Slicing Time Series
- Creating a customized DatetimeIndex with pd.date_range()
- More on pd.date_range()
- Downsampling Time Series with resample()
- The PeriodIndex object
- Advanced Indexing with reindex()
Importing Financial Data from Yahoo Finance
- Getting Data of TESLA Stock by YFinance
- Customising the Stock Data by YFinance
- Stock Split and Dividends by YFinance
- Exporting to CSV/ Excel File by YFinance
- Importing multiples stocks and Financial Indexes Data by YFinance
- Importing Currency Exchange & CryptoCurrency Data by YFinance
- Importing ETFs and MF Data by YFinance
- Stock Fundamentals, Meta Info and Performance Metrics by YFinance
- Financials (Balancesheet, Cashflows, P&L) by YFinance
- Put and Call Options by YFinance
- Stream Real Time data from YFinance
Module 5
Exploratory Data Analysis
- 2D scatter plot
- 3D scatter plot
- Pair plots
- Limitations of Pair Plots
- Histogram and Introduction to PDF(Probability Density Function)
- Univariate Analysis using PDF
- CDF(Cumulative Distribution Function)
- Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
- Median
- Percentiles and Quantiles
- IQR(Inter Quartile Range) and MAD(Median Absolute Deviation)
- Box-plot with Whiskers
- Violin Plots
- Summarizing Plots, Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate analysis
- Multivariate Probability Density, Contour Plot
- EDA Assignment
Linear Algebra
- Why learn it ?
- Introduction to Vectors(2-D, 3-D, n-D) , Row Vector and Column Vector
- Dot Product and Angle between 2 Vectors
- Projection and Unit Vector
- Equation of a line (2-D), Plane(3-D) and Hyperplane (n-D), Plane Passing through origin, Normal to a Plane
- Distance of a point from a Plane/Hyperplane, Half-Spaces
- Equation of a Circle (2-D), Sphere (3-D) and Hypersphere (n-D)
- Equation of an Ellipse (2-D), Ellipsoid (3-D) and Hyperellipsoid (n-D)
- Square ,Rectangle
- Hyper Cube,Hyper Cuboid
Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Population and Sample
- Gaussian/Normal Distribution and its PDF(Probability Density Function)
- CDF(Cumulative Distribution function) of Gaussian/Normal distribution
- Symmetric distribution, Skewness and Kurtosis
- Standard normal variate (Z) and standardization
- Kernel density estimation
- Sampling distribution & Central Limit theorem
- Q-Q plot:How to test if a random variable is normally distributed or not?
- How distributions are used?
- Chebyshev’s inequality
- Discrete and Continuous Uniform distributions
- How to randomly sample data points (Uniform Distribution)
- Bernoulli and Binomial Distribution
- Log Normal Distribution
- Power law distribution
- Box cox transform
- Applications of non-gaussian distributions?
- Co-variance
- Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient
- Correlation vs Causation
- How to use correlations?
- Confidence interval (C.I) Introduction
- Computing confidence interval given the underlying distribution
- C.I for mean of a random variable
- Confidence interval using bootstrapping
- Hypothesis testing methodology, Null-hypothesis, p-value
- Hypothesis Testing Intution with coin toss example
- Resampling and permutation test
- K-S Test for similarity of two distributions
- Code Snippet K-S Test
- Hypothesis testing: another example
- Resampling and Permutation test: another example
- How to use hypothesis testing?
- Proportional Sampling
Module 6
Dimensionality reduction and Visualization:
- What is Dimensionality reduction?
- Row Vector and Column Vector
- How to represent a data set?
- Data Preprocessing: Feature Normalisation
- Data Preprocessing: Column Standardization
- Co-variance of a Data Matrix
- MNIST dataset (784 dimensional)
PCA(principal component analysis)
- Why learn PCA?
- Geometric intuition of PCA
- Mathematical objective function of PCA
- Alternative formulation of PCA: Distance minimization
- Eigen values and Eigen vectors (PCA): Dimensionality reduction
- PCA for Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization
Visualize MNIST dataset
- Limitations of PCA
- PCA Code example
- PCA for dimensionality reduction (not-visualization)
- (t-SNE)T-distributed Stochastic Neighbourhood Embedding
- What is t-SNE?
- Neighborhood of a point, Embedding
- Geometric intuition of t-SNE
- Crowding Problem
- How to apply t-SNE and interpret its output
- t-SNE on MNIST
Module 7
History And Story Of Data8
- What Is a Database?
- I Didn't Learn Anything, Try Again...
- Database Management System (DBMS)
- Exercise: Building Amazon
- Exercise: Building Amazon 2
- 5 Types Of Databases
- Exercise: What Is A Database?
Databases + SQL Fundamentals
- SQL Playground
- What Is SQL?
- What Is A Query?
- Exercise: Setting Up Your First Database
- Imperative vs Declarative
- History of SQL
- Optional: History of SQL Deep Dive
- Exercises: The Select Statement
- SQL Standards
- What Is A Database? Revisited
- Database Oriented Approach
- Exercise: SQL Starter Quiz
- Database Models
- Hierarchical And Networking Model
- Relational Model
- DBMS Revisited
- Relational Model Revisited
- Tables
- Columns
- Rows
- Primary And Foreign Keys
- Exercise: OLTP vs OLAP
- Exercise: Relational Model Quiz
- Endorsements On LinkedIN
- Environment Setup
- Why PostgreSQL
- Environment Tooling
- Having Trouble Registering A Serial Key For ValentinaDB?
- SQL Tooling Alternatives
- Command Line 101
- Getting Help With The Setup
- Optional: Setting Up Windows For Command Line
- MAC Setup
- MAC Commandline tools
- LINUX Setup
- Importing The Databases
- Exercise: Imposter Syndrome
SQL Deep Dive
- Query Along
- Starting With Query
- Exercise: Simple Queries
- Changing Column Names in a SELECT Query
- Concat Function
- What Is A Function In SQL?
- Aggregate Functions
- Exercise: Aggregate Functions
- Commenting Your Queries
- Common SELECT Mistakes
- Filtering Data
- AND and OR
- Exercise: Filtering Data
- The NOT Keyword
- Exercise: The Where Clause
- Comparison Operators
- Exercise: Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Operator Precedence 2
- Operator Precedence Extra
- Exercise: Operator Precedence
- Checking For NULL Values
- IS Keyword
- NULL Coalescing
- Exercise: Null Value Coalescing
- 3 Valued Logic
- Exercise: 3 Valued Logic
- Exercise: BETWEEN + AND
- IN Keyword
- Exercise: IN Keyword
- Exercise: Like Keyword
- Dates And Timezones
- Setting Up Timezones
- How Do We Format Date And Time?
- Timestamps
- Date Functions
- Date Difference And Casting
- Age Calculation
- Extracting Information
- Intervals
- Exercise: Date and Timestamp
- Exercise: Distinct Keyword
- Sorting Data
- Exercise Sorting Data
- Multi Table SELECT
- Inner Join
- Self Join
- Outer Join
- Less Common Joins
- Inner-Join Exercises
- USING Keyword
Advanced SQL
- Group By Exercises
- HAVING Keyword
- Having Exercises
- Ordering Grouped Data
- Group By Mental Model
- Grouping Sets
- Rollup
- Window What?
- Looking Through The Window
- Order By Acting Strange
- Using Framing In Window Function
- Solving For Current Salary
- Window Function Exercises
- Conditional Statements
- Conditional Statement Exercise
- NULLIF Exercise
- Views...What Are They Good For?
- View Syntax
- Using Views
- Views Exercises
- Indexes
- Index Types
- Index Algorithms
- Quick Note On Index Algorithms
- What Are Subqueries?
- Subqueries vs Joins
- Subquery Guidelines As Types
- Using Subqueries
- Quick Note: Titles For Employees
- Getting The Latest Salaries
- Subquery Operators
- Subquery Exercises
Database Management
- Before We Get Started
- Time To Create Some Stuff!
- Types Of Databases In A RDBMS
- Default PostgreSQL Database
- Template Databases
- Creating A Database
- Database Organization
- Roles In Postgres
- Role Attributes And Creation
- Creating Users And Configuring Login
- Privileges
- Granting Privileges and Role Management
- Best Practices For Role Management
- Data Types & Boolean Type
- Storing Text
- Storing Numbers
- Storing Arrays
- Data Models And Naming Conventions
- Extra information on CREATE TABLE
- Column Constraints
- Table Constraints
- Regexes!
- UUID Explained
- Custom Data Types And Domains
- Creating The Tables For ZTM
- Extra information on ALTER TABLE
- Adding Students And Teachers
- Creating A Course
- Adding Feedback To A Course
- A Tale Of 2 Feedbacks
- SQL Exercises
- SQL Quiz
- Backups And Why They Are Important
- Backing Up In Postgres
- Restoring A Database
- Transactions
Database Design
- System Design And SDLC
- SDLC Phases
- System Design Deep Dive
- Top-Down vs Bottom-Up
- DRIVEME Academy
- Top Down Design
- ER Model
- Step 1: Determining Entities
- Tooling For Diagramming
- DRIVEME Academy Entities
- Step 2: Attributes
- Relational Model Extended
- Relational Schema And Instance
- Super Key and Candidate Key
- Primary Key and Foreign Key
- Compound Composite And Surrogate Key
- DRIVEME Attributes
- Step 3: Relationships
- DRIVEME Relationships
- Step 4: Solving Many To Many
- Step 5: Subject Areas
- DRIVEME Subject Areas
- Exercise: Painting Reservations
- Exercise: Movie Theatre
- Bottom Up Design
- Anomalies
- Normalization
- Functional Dependencies
- Functional Dependencies 2
- The Normal Forms
- Going from 0NF to 1NF
- Going from 1NF to 2NF
- Going from 2NF to 3NF
- Boyce-Codd Normal Form
- Why 4NF And 5NF Are Not Useful
- Exercise: Database Design Quiz
Database Landscape, Performance and Security
- Scalability
- Sharding
- Replication
- Backups
- Distributed vs Centralized Databases
- Database Security
- Exercise: SQL Injection
- Optional: All About Injections Attacks
- Optional: Storing Passwords
- Optional: How To Store Passwords
- Relational vs NoSQL, PostgreSQL vs MongoDB Databases
- Future Of Relational Databases
- Elasticsearch
- S3 Object Storage
- Top Databases To Use
Module 8
Overview of Tableau
- Tableau: An Introduction
- Overview of Tableau's Products
- Tableau Desktop installation (free trial)
- Before we begin, let's do a quick setup check
Tableau Starter Guide
- How to get Data?
- How to create a datasource in Google Sheets
- Getting friendly with Tableau and connecting Data
- Basic Data Operations
- Dimensions Vs Measures
- First Visualization - Building Simple Bar Chart
- Understanding Discrete and Continuous using Line Charts
- How Show me can Help?
- Bar Charts - Formatting using Tableau
- Line Charts - Formatting using Tableau
- Area Charts - Formatting using Tableau
- Pie Charts - Formatting using Tableau
- Table Calculations
- Buidling our First Dashboard
- Exporting the Dashboard
- Publishing the dashboard on Tableau Public
Live Connections, Data Extracts
- Data Connection Examples Oracle Server
- Automatic and Custom Splitting
- The Impact of Changing Data Types Text to Numbers
- More Pre-Filtering Options
Logic (Boolean) and Numerical Formulas
- Aggregates and Different Ways to Create Them
- Foundational If Functions The Big Mac Example
- More IF Functions Null, IsNull (New Excel Download)
- If Functions using AND and OR Functions
- Rounding Formulas Round and Integer
- The Absolute Function
Text and Date Formulas
- Left, Right and Mid Text Functions
- The FIND and LEFT Function Combination
- Trimming Off Trailing Spaces
- The Romanian Concatenate Function
- How to Easily Convert to Upper or Lower Case Characters
- Using the Replace Function
- Extracting Year, Month and Day
- Calculating the Difference between Two Dates
- Today() vs Now()
- How to Create your own Date Column
Quick Table Calc's, Filtering, Legends and Mapping
- Quick Table Calculations: Using Directions in a Table
- Quick Table Calculations: The Calculation Assistant
- Quick Table Calculations: Refresher and Bonus Items
- Before we do Filters and Legends, Let's Clean Up Shall We
- Filtering Top and Bottom Method, Legends and Filtering Types
- Mapping Features Multi-Map Views, Dual Axis Plots with Pie Charts, Keep On
- Annotation Features Marks and Points
Scatter, Analytics Menu, Forecast, Trends, Clusters
- Scatter Plots Colouring, Level of Detail and Shapes
- Introduction to Scatter Plots and Parameters
- Trendlines and the Different Types
- Analytics Menu Aggregate Options with Table, Pane and Cell Variations
- Forecast Modelling (DISCLAIMER)
- Clustering Method
Exports, Dashboard Interactions, Dashboard Design
- Fresh Data Set and Hierarchies on the Fly
- Keep Only and Exclude Features Plus Export Methods
- Additional Keep Only and Exclude Methods + CSV Export
- 3 Methods for Sharing and Exporting your File
Module 9
Section 1 - Unions, Joins and Blending
- Wildcard Union for Multiple Sheets and Multiple Documents
- Unioning Sheets from Excel - WORKAROUND Method
- Extracting Information from the Path or Sheet Data Fields
- Tableau 2020 - Joins and Blends Explained
- Basic Join Theory - One to One (PDF Cheat Sheet)
- Many to Many Joins
- Your First Single Join - The Ambassadors
- More Single Join Examples + Excel Comparison Example
- CHALLENGE - Multiple Single-Joins (Spiderweb Design)
- Multi-Joins x2 Examples
- Joining Non-Excel Files Together (CSV, Excel, Access)
- Joining Before or In Tableau
- Data Blending
Section 2 - Parameters and Sets
- Reference Line Basics
- Controlling the Range of Values
- Top 10 Parameter Example and Scatter Plots
- Multiple Parameters and Analysis on the Fly
- Using Parameters to Change the Visualization Field
- Parameter Data Type Options
- Introduction to Sets Creating and Overlapping
- Sets Analysis - Looking at Overlaps using Condition Sets
- Performing IF Functions on Sets
Section 3 - Level of Detail (LOD) Calculations
- Level of Detail - Fixed
- Level of Detail - Exclude
- Level of Detail - Include
Section 4 - New Visualizations
- Histograms - Details and Quick Method
- Funnel Graphs
- Gantt Charts - Multiple Methods (Attach Data)
- Bump, Bump, Bump
- Donut Charts...mmmmmm Donut
- Packed Bubbles
- Hierarchy and Tree Maps
- Maps on a Scatter Plot
- Dot Time and Jitter Plot
- Waterfall Chart
- Calendar and Large Heat Maps
- Moving Average Dual Axis
- Mapping Paths - Simple and Complex
- London Pathways
- A Simple Mapping Dashboard (Bonus Video)
Section 5 - Dashboard Actions and Animation (Pages)
- Introduction to Actions - Hover, Select, Menu
- Single Select Function and Deselect Bahaviour
- Target Filters and Actions
- Highlight, URL and Go To Sheets
- Actions to Change Parameters
- Actions to Control Sets
- Ignore Actions
- The Power of Animation in Telling Stories
- Introduction to Animation using Pages
- Pages - Dashboard and Synchronization
Section 6 - Mobile, Dashboard Best Practices and Story Creation
- Tableau Mobile: iPads, iPhone, Tablets and Android
- Mobile and Tablet View Design
- Who are you building for and what are you telling them
- Dashboards - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Fail Fast Development
- Story Mode Creation
- Story Mode Creation Tips and Advice
Module 10
Section 1 - Tableau Online - Site Creation, First Published Dashboard and Cloud Features
- What is Tableau Online and How Much
- Site Creation
- Dashboard Design and Publication
- Collaboration 1: Favorites, Project Details, Custom Views and Subscriptions
- Collaboration 2: Web Editing, Comments, Share View, Embed and Alerts
- Collaboration 3: Revert, Refresh, Data Details, Downloads and Mobile/Tablet
Section 2 - Tableau Online - Site/Server Administration
- Tableau Online vs. On-Premises vs. Cloud
- User Management - Add Users, CSV Import and Site Roles
- Site Roles
- License Management and Purchasing
- Data Governance - Principles
- Data Governance - Dashboard Views and Site Performance
- Published Data Sources Part 1
- Published Data Sources Part 2
- Permission Setting at a Dashboard and Project Level
- "Ask Data" Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Tableau Bridge
- Tableau "Explain Data" (In Production)
- Tableau Conductor (In Production)
Section 3 - Tableau Prep - Part 1 - Data Preparation and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tool
- Tableau Prep
- Installation, Concept and Pricing
- Raw Data Sets Explained - The Dirty Super Store
- Loading your Data - Menu Explained
- Cleaning Step - Interface Explained
- Renaming Fields, Keep Only, Exclude, Data Types
- Branches, Multiple Outputs, Outputting your Results - CSV, Hyper, Preview
- Remapping a File to a New Location
- Data Interpreter and NotePad Plus
- Filtering Numbers and Strings
- Grouping and Replacing
- Ungrouping
- Cleaning Text - Spaces, Letters, Numbers, Punct, REPLACE
- Automatic and Custom Splitting
- Replace with Null
- Using Aggregates
- Unpivotting
Section 4 - Tableau Prep - Part 2 - Data Preparation and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tool
- Introduction to Unions
- Wildcard Unions
- Join Types Explained and PDF Download
- Single Join Example and your First Connection
- Single Join - More Examples and Rebuilding Joins
- Multi-Joins and Troubleshooting
- If functions, IsNull, Not Null, IfNull, AND/OR
- Rounding Decimal Places, Integer Function, Absolute
- Left, Right, Mid and Concatenate
- Find and Replace
- Date Functions - Year, Month, Day, Now, Today
- Assignments are on the Way! (In Production)
Section 5 - Building Dashboards using Real World Data
- Zomato Dashboard
- Sales Dashboard
- HR Dashboard
- Supply Chain Dashboard
- Covid 19 Dashboard
Module 11
Section 1 - Intoduction
- What is a Data Communication?
- Communicating with Data
Section 2 - Good and Bad Data Vizualisations
- What Makes an Effective Data Communication?
- Effective Communication Examples
Section 3 - Visual Design and Communicating Visually
- Visual Perception - Order
- Visual Perception - Hierarchy
- Visual Perception - Clarity
- Visual perception - Relationships
- Visual Perception - Convention
- Visual Design and the Application to Data Graphs
Section 4 - The Right Graph for the Right Data
- Components of a Data Visualisation
- Different Types of Graphs
- Deadly Sins of Graph Design
- How to Avoid Being Mislead with Graphs
Section 5 - Designing Your Graph to Tell a Story
- Create a Clear Graph
- Bringing Out the Story with Colour and Formatting
- Section 6 - Craft an Inspiring Narrative
- Analytics Value Chain
- Uncovering the Context
- BONUS: Anecdote - lessons from work: Learning the Role Context Plays
- Fundamental Data Narratives - with TEMPLATES
- Turning your Graph into a Story
- Case Studies
Module 12
Section 1 - Getting Started
- Why Performance Matters
- Dashboard Types
- Key Performance Questions
- Internal vs. External Factors
- VizQL & Query Processing
- Performance Recording
- Interpreting Performance Results
- Event Types
- Workbook Performance Factors
Section 2 - Data Design
- Intro to Data Design
- Data Modeling Options
- Live vs. Extract Connections
- Live Connection Optimization
- Extract Connection Optimization
- Data Source Options
- Performance Impact | Data Design
Section 3 - Filter Optimization
- Intro to Filter Optimization
- Filtering Order of Operations
- Filter Optimization Tips
- Filter Options
- Date Filtering
- Filter Actions
- Parameter & Set Actions
- Performance Impact | Filter Optimization
Section 4 - Calculation Optimization
- Intro to Calculation Optimization
- Calculation Types
- Aggregation
- Level of Detail Expressions
- Table Calculations
- Conditional Calculations
- Calculated Groups
- Common Pain Points
- Performance Review | Calculation Optimization
Section 5 - Layout & Visuals
- Intro to Layout & Visual Optimization
- Mark & Sheet Counts
- Mapping Options
- Tooltips
- Pages
- Dashboard Properties
- Dashboard Objects
- User Experience Tips
- Performance Impact | Layout & Visuals
Section 6 - Tableau Server & Online
- Intro to Server & Online
- Embedded vs. Published Sources
- Dashboard Caching
- Cache Warming
- Client vs. Server-Side Rendering
- Book Now