1. Business Plan
    1. Lean Canvas
    2. Financial model
      1. Need more grant funding for financial viability
        1. Collab fundraising support- in the process of exploring
    3. Contribution model for increasing team size
  2. Onboarding Development
    1. Course development
      1. Completed
    2. Course location
      1. PAB MNs
        1. good reach
        2. audience of course creators
        3. minimal cost and admin
    3. Case study partner recruitment
  3. Case Studies
    1. Recruiting case study partners
      1. this could be you!!
    2. diverse use cases
      1. Un/learning
        1. Gaia U Ecocamp Coyote PAB? Green Silk Road? Permaculture Teacher Training?
      2. Participation
        1. Ecocamp Coyote PAB? Convergence research??
      3. Certification
        1. UNDP Syria Organic Farmer project
      4. M&E
        1. Collab M&E? Permaculture Impact? ERC
  4. Governance plan
    1. Advisory board delayed until funding secured
      1. aiming for late 2024
    2. Participatory governance model which discounts access to iCAAFS services in exchange for work done
      1. Will allow iCAAFS to be 'decentralised' to some degree
      2. Gathering energy for this level
      3. Needs design
        1. Early 2024 Aim
      4. this could be you!!
    3. Long term: different workgroups/guilds focused on different aspects
      1. permaculture education network value
        1. Bring educators together
        2. Stop reinventing the wheel
        3. Focus on refining, translating, distributing
      2. M&E/Impact
      3. Certifications
      4. Land Use
      5. Blockchain/Web3 group
      6. Translation group
      7. this could be you!!
      8. Early 2025 aim
  5. un/learning modular pathway qualifications
    1. 'coolest' feature of iCAAFS
    2. requires a research project into the types of un/learning which need to be represented, how network nodes see their offerings and situate them in the field, and how willing collaborators are to 'share/exchange credits'
      1. 2025 aim
    3. can only be achieved when a critical mass of 20+ un/learning providers are using the system
    4. ability to have 'umbrella' qualifications made up by multiple courses, projects, workshops, experiences from different nodes in the network
  6. ? indicates partners who have expressed interest or who are in preliminary onboarding but haven't created a badge yet ?? indicate possible connections not yet made