1. What
    1. Prevent or Mitigate releases that could lead to catastrophe in workplace and/or surrounding community
    2. Ensure the management of highly hazardous material
    3. Targets
      1. Highly hazardous chemicals
      2. Flammable liquids or gases
    4. Evaluate
      1. Process design
      2. Process technology
      3. Operational and maintenance activities and procedures
      4. Non-routine activities and procedures
      5. Emergency preparedness plans and procedures
      6. Training programs
  2. Why
    1. Incidents/Disasters
      1. Flixborough, England 1974
      2. Seveso, Italy 1976
      3. Bhopal, India 1984
        1. Documentary on Bhopal Disaster
      4. Institute, West Virginia 1985
      5. Pasadena, Texas 1989
      6. Channelview, Texas 1990
        1. CSB Safety Video - Anatomy of a Disaster
        2. CSB Investigation Animation: Explosion at BP Refinery
      7. Paterson, New Jersey 1998
      8. Allentown, Pennsylvania 1999
      9. Rosharon, Texas 2003
  3. How
    1. PSM
      1. Process Hazard Analysis
      2. Operator
        1. Procedures
        2. Training
      3. Management of Change
      4. Emergency Response
      5. Process Safety Studies (hazard and operability study - HazOp )
      6. Fault-Tree Analysis
      7. Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA)
      8. Safety Data Sheets
      9. Advanced Safety Auditing (ASA)
    2. PSI
      1. Process Safety Indicators
        1. Lagging
          1. Equipment Failures
          2. Process Safety Incident
          3. Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC)
          4. Release
          5. Toxic
          6. Chemical
          7. Flammable or Combustible
          8. Liquid
          9. Gas
          10. Personal
          11. Fatality
          12. Injury (Days away from Work)
          13. Fires/Explosions
        2. Leading
          1. Near Miss
          2. Activation of Safety System
          3. Pressure Relief Device
          4. Safety Instrumented System
          5. Mechanical System Shutdown
          6. Safe Operating Envelope Exceeded
          7. Exceeding Alarm Limits on tube metal temperature
          8. Exceeding High Priority High Level alarms on tanks and vessels
          9. Activation of Pre-Alarms on Minimum Safe Operating Temperatures
          10. Protective Barriers
          11. Mechanical Integrity
          12. % Inspections Overdue
          13. Competency
          14. % of Required Training Completed
          15. Safety Critical Device
          16. PM Compliance
          17. Management of Change
          18. % of changes that meet requirements
        3. Define
          1. Acceptable Thresholds
          2. Decision Tree
          3. Tiers
      2. Process Technical Manual
        1. Information
          1. Chemicals
          2. Toxicity
          3. Permissible exposure limits
          4. Corrosivity data
          5. Physical data
          6. Reactivity, thermal stability and chemical stability
          7. Hazardous effects of inadvertent mixing of different materials
          8. Process Technology
          9. Established criteria for maximum inventory levels for process chemicals
          10. Process flow diagrams
          11. Process chemistry
          12. Maximum Intended Inventory
          13. Safe Ranges of Process Operation Limits
          14. temperatures
          15. pressures
          16. flows
          17. compositions
          18. Consequences
          19. Process Equipment
          20. Construction materials
          21. Electrical classifications
          22. Backup System Designs
          23. Ventilation System Designs
          24. Standard design codes employed in the process
          25. Safety Systems
          26. Interlocks
          27. Detection
          28. Suppression systems
  4. Who
    1. Experts
      1. Prof Trevor Kletz
      2. Prof Andrew Hopkins
      3. Dr. Bruce Staley
    2. Regulators
      1. United States
        1. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
          1. OSHA - 29 CFR 1910 119 Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
        2. Environmental protection Agency (EPA)
          1. EPA 40 CFR 68 - Chemical accident prevention provisions
      2. EU
        1. Major Accident Hazards Bureau (MAHB)
          1. Seveso II- Guidelines on a major accident prevention policy and safety management system, as required by Council Directive 96/82/EC (Seveso II)
    3. Associations
      1. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)
      2. American Petroleum Institute (API)
        1. Guide to Report Process Safety Incidents
          1. PSI Reporting Form
          2. Type of Facility
          3. Company Operations
          4. # of Process Safety Incidents (PSI)
          5. PSI Rate
          6. PSI Consequences
        2. API Key Performance Indicators Workshop
          1. Phase 1 - Lagging Indicators
          2. Phase 2 - Leading Indicators
          3. Phase 3 - ANSI
      3. Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
    4. UK HSE
    5. Books
      1. Incidents That Define Process Safety
      2. Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units, 2008 Edition - BP Process Safety Series
    6. Magazines
      1. Hazards
      2. EHS Today
    7. Websites
      1. Willem Top
        1. What activity areas should be in a management system to control risk and losses
      2. CheResources.com
        1. The ABC's of Process Safety and Risk Management
        2. The More You Know: Process Safety Information
        3. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
      3. Knol Process Safety Management
        1. Overview of PSM
        2. Process Safe Limits
        3. Process Hazard Analysis Techniques