1. フローティングトピック
  2. project management structure
    1. importance
      1. frame work
        1. launching
        2. implementing
      2. take balance between parent organization and project
        1. resource
        2. project outcome
        3. サブトピック 3
  3. functional organization
    1. feature
      1. functional units implement projects
      2. coordination through normal management channel
        1. hierarchy
      3. one functional area has dominant role
        1. specialized
    2. advantage
      1. no change
        1. use basic functional structure
        2. no need to design and operation of the parent organization
      2. flexibility
        1. workers can do other projects at same time
      3. in-depth expertise
        1. specialist can do the project
      4. easy post project transition
        1. participants focus of their professional growth and advancement
          1. can have experience
    3. disadvantage
      1. lack of focus
        1. routine work+ project work
        2. need to wait other division
      2. poor integration
        1. concern own field only
        2. overall view seems to be less
      3. slow
        1. slow response time
        2. can not direct communication with other
          1. need to use ormal management channel
          2. サブトピック 2
      4. lack of owner ship
        1. less motivation
        2. can not identify with project
  4. dedicated teams
    1. feature
      1. make independent unit for project
      2. full time project
      3. traditional function depart do support
      4. need to recruit within and outsaide
    2. advantage
      1. simple
        1. independently
      2. fast
        1. worker can focus on the project
        2. response become quick
        3. decision is made in team
      3. cohensive
        1. share common goal
        2. personal responsibility
      4. cross-functional intergration
        1. close work with different area workers
        2. committed to optimizing the project
    3. disadvantage
      1. expensive
        1. new project management position
        2. need to contribute resource
      2. internal strife
      3. limited technological expertise
        1. lack of knowledge in specialized field
        2. take time to consult with specialist
      4. difficult post-project transition
        1. hard to catch up normal job after finishing
        2. hard to find other prohect
  5. matrix arrangement
    1. feature
      1. hybrid organizational form
        1. horizonal project management
        2. normal function hierarchy
        3. need to report both lines
        4. can focus functional and technical said
    2. three types of matrix form
      1. weak matrix
        1. similar to functional approach except for designated manager
        2. project manager
          1. make schdule
          2. decide time
          3. determine what should be done
        3. functional manager
          1. think how to do it based on subscribe from PM
          2. allocate job
          3. have responsible for their segment
      2. balanced matrix
        1. project manager
          1. define what should be done
          2. make overall plan
          3. monitor, schedule
        2. functional manager
          1. how to accomplish project
          2. responsible for assigning personal
          3. executing based on schedule
        3. require to work closely both function
      3. strong matrix
        1. project manager
          1. control most aspect
          2. scope
          3. trade-off
          4. assignment of functional personnel
          5. decide time, works, major project decision
        2. functional manager
          1. consulted by workers
          2. control specialized work
          3. final design and components decided by functional
      4. サブトピック 4
    3. advantage
      1. efficient
        1. resource can be shared
        2. individual can divide energy for other work
      2. strong project focus
        1. holistic approach by coordinating
      3. easier post project transition
        1. strong tight with functional
          1. can go buck job smoothly
      4. flexible
        1. provide resource and expertise
    4. disadvantage
      1. dysfunctional conflict
        1. conflict may happen in personal level
        2. may bring animosity
      2. infighting
        1. fighting to acquire resource in project managers
      3. stressful
        1. have plural
      4. slow
        1. need agreement from multiple functional groups
  6. right project management structure
    1. organization considerations
      1. percentage of core work involved
        1. a few products
          1. less formal arrangement
        2. organization has standard products and project
          1. matrix arrangement
        3. over 75%
          1. fully projected organization
      2. resource availability
        1. alternative
          1. dedicated team
        2. matrix
          1. share resource
          2. creating legitimate project leader ship
      3. more effective management project
        1. what change is needed
        2. assess current project situation
    2. project level
      1. questions
        1. size of project
        2. strategic importance
        3. novelly and need for innovation
        4. need for interration
        5. budget and time constraints
        6. stability of resource requirement
      2. using dedicated team
        1. urgent
      3. matrix team
        1. small incremental project
  7. organizational culture
    1. define
      1. share norms and assumption
      2. organizational behavior
    2. 10 primary character
      1. member identity
        1. expert field
      2. team emphasis
        1. which work is organized?
      3. management focus
        1. which management decision take into account?
      4. unit integration
        1. whchi unit encouraged to operate?
      5. control
        1. rule,politics and dilect supervision
          1. サブトピック 1
      6. risk tolerance
        1. risk seeking
      7. reward criteria
        1. promotion, salary increase
      8. conflict tolerance
        1. air conflict, criticism openly
      9. means versus end orientation
        1. out comes, technique, process
      10. open system focus
        1. monitor and respond
    3. function
      1. provide sense of identity
        1. share perception, value
        2. resason for member devote energy
      2. help legitimize
        1. clarify authority relationships
      3. most important
        1. clarify and reinforces standard of behavior
          1. dress code, working hours
          2. collaborate with other department
          3. permissible and inappropriate behavior
    4. identify cultural characteristics
      1. can interpretative assessment current and past
        1. physical character
          1. architecture, image, building...
          2. light on who has power, how formal the organization dealing business
        2. public document
          1. annual report, mission statement
          2. concern for company people
          3. concern for result and bottom line
        3. behavior
          1. pace, rituals...
          2. value of organization
          3. issue discuss repeatedly
          4. discuss length
        4. folklore
          1. look for similar story spoken by workers
          2. recruit story
          3. ask various people
        5. promotion and reward
  8. organizational culture for organizing project
    1. project manager
      1. interact with culture of parents company
      2. host of other oraganization
      3. client and customer
    2. need to be able to talk about company culture
    3. assessment
      1. not either extreme
      2. one end culture or other