1. Later Way
  2. Moving or Standing
  3. Diet for Productivity
  4. Action Techniques
  5. Motivation Techniques
  6. External Solutions
  7. Tools
    1. Time Tracking
    2. Commitment Platform
      1. Stickk.com
    3. Phone Screen Control
    4. Noise Filtering
  8. Interviewing High-achievers
  9. Distraction Removal
  10. Internal Solutions
  11. Motivation-Focus Techniques
    1. Let It Go
      1. Giving Up
      2. Resting
      3. Changing Jobs
      4. Intrinsic Value
      5. Inspiration
    2. Inner Value
      1. Intrinsic Value
      2. Inspiration
  12. Motivation-Ignorance Techniques Being Pushy
    1. Overvalue of Motivation
    2. Challenging and Pushing
    3. Professionalism
  13. Other Physical Actions
  14. Positivity Focus (Promotion Focus)
    1. Mental Flow Techniques
      1. Pre-workout Routine
      2. 30-Second Timer
      3. 20-second Rule
      4. Detailing The Steps
      5. If-then Planning
      6. Hermingway Techniques
    2. Positive Psychology
      1. Gratitude
      2. Sending Thank-you
      3. Looking for Positives
      4. Short Middles
      5. From Should's To Want's
    3. Habit Formation
      1. Reward System
      2. Goal Setting
    4. Emotional Actions
      1. Support From Boss
        1. Delegation
      2. Accountability
        1. AccountabiliBuddy
      3. Social Support
        1. Calling To Friends
        2. Family Support
  15. Physical Ritual Actions (Actions that are not directly task-related but help to start the work)
  16. Taking A Shower
  17. Listening to Favourite Music
  18. Wearing Favorite Outfit
  19. Negativity Focus
    1. Negative Emotion
      1. Overwhelming
      2. Impatience
      3. Envy
    2. Prevention Foucs
      1. Calculating Loss Of Money
  20. Physical Support
  21. Emotional Support
  22. Immediate Way
  23. Get Started
    1. Starting from Small
    2. Brainless Work
    3. Just Start Something
    4. Detailing First Few Tasks
  24. External Solutions
  25. Node
  26. Very Important
  27. Legends
  28. Internal Solutions
  29. Action Techniques
  30. Node
  31. Important
  32. Cross-links
  33. Motivation Techniques
  34. Tutorial Guide
    1. https://www.xmind.net/blog/en/2019/11/concept-map-tutorial/