1. Autism
    1. Use Structure Consistency Clear/ Simple directions
    2. I-pad, Adapted e-books, visual support for classroom (ex. symbols)
    3. Case Study: Anderson
  2. Developmental Delay
    1. Speak slowly Praise specific accomplishment Let student work at own pace Break tasks into smaller steps
  3. Emotional Disturbance
    1. Active Schedule, let student self monitor work progress, allow student to chose between 2 tasks.
    2. Word processing software assists in the writing process
    3. Case Studey: Megan
  4. Intellectual Disability (Formaly as "Mental Retardation")
    1. Instructions need to be concrete, step by step & simplified. Let student partner work and work on life skills.
    2. Communication boards
    3. Youtube video on communicators
  5. Specific Learning Disability
    1. Give extra time to help process information from reading/ listening. Use "read-along" techniques. Use visuals to relate to words.
    2. AT: Educational videos Word processor will help with illegible writing
    3. Case Study: Ellie - Reading & Writing Learning Disability
    4. Case Study - Nick - Math Learning Disability
  6. Speech Language Impairment
    1. Use active listening, incorporate the student's interest. Paraphrase what the student has said.
    2. First Words software Augmentative or alternative communication(AAC)
  7. Traumatic Brain Injury
    1. Allow extended breaks, and to audio record lectures. Seat near front of class. Avoid high pressure situations
    2. Laptop for notes/ writing and calculator for tests
    3. Video on:"What Schools Need to Know About Children with Brain Injury"
  8. Other Health Impairment
    1. Be flexible as the students will need medical and health services Teach organization techniques Post daily/ weekly schedule Keep schedule as consistent as possible
    2. Tools for supporting ADHD Notebook/ dividers to organize homework Personal digital assistant Dictating machine
  9. Multiple Disabilities
    1. On going support with walking, lifting, bending, Allow partial participation Familiarize with student IEP Don't give up on a goal; practice and reinforce Deal with behavior issues
    2. Computer Augmentative/ alternative communication systems Communication boards
  10. Orthopedic Impairment
    1. Special seating, focus on gross and fine motor skills, physical/occupational therapy, adapted PE
    2. Cane, walker, specialized exercise equipment
  11. Visual Impairment Including Blindness
    1. Hands-on experiences, models, clear directions, peer note taker, extra time for responses
    2. Low Vision devices, Braillewriter, Personal digital assistant (PDA)
  12. Hearing Impairment
    1. Keep noise level minimum, write assignments on board, adhere to classroom routine.
    2. Remote microphone hearing assistance technology (HAT) for hearing aid; FM system for school assemblies
  13. Deafness
    1. Priority seating, Ensure student's attention before signing, reduce visual distractions, provide ASL
    2. AT: Videophone or Text Phone, Alerting devices
  14. Deaf-Blindness
    1. Safe classroom so the student can move on his own. Develop travel routes. Curriculum oriented towards building concepts
    2. TTY (telephone) or TDD(telecommunication device for the deaf) or TT (text), IP Phone Access- uses Braille and computer, AIM text messaging