📧 Email is your slave not Master
- Don't check it. Process it
- Schedule times for it in your calendar
🗓️ Plan Ahead
- "Without an Action Plan, the executive becomes a prisoner of Events. "
Spending 10 minutes on planning can save you up to 2 hours every day. 10x Returns on time investment
- By reducing unscheduled time and unplanned activity, you automatically reduce waste
- Peter Drucker
- Plan the Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Decade
Daily Planning
- DO it the night before
- Write down the list of things you want to accomplish
- Prioritize them
- Schedule them in your calendar - as appointments with yourself
Plan the IMPORTANT activities first.
- Important 🙅♂️ Urgent
🚧 Blocks of Time
- "To have small dribs and drabs of time at his disposal will not be sufficient even if the total is an impressive number of hours. "
- "To be effective, EVERY knowledge worker needs to be able to dispose of time in fairly large chunks."
- Switch Tasking is EXPENSIVE
- Peter Drucker
- Blocks of time, blocked in advance
Create large Chunks of time for important work
- Consolidate your small pieces of time into large chunks.
Non-Interruptible Appointment with yourself - just like a meeting with your manager
- Using a countdown timer
Know Thy Time ⏱️
- If you have no idea where it is going, you can not improve it
- The 1st step towards executive effectiveness is to record actual time-use
- You can not be productive without measurement
- Time Tracking Tool
Eat that Frog 🐸
Why eat a Frog
- Focus your BEST energy on MVAs in order to produce the greatest Value
- Your time is limited
- The completion of an important task triggers release of endorphins in your brain
You feel more positive and confident
- Natural High
What is a Frog
- The most important task
- Possibly the one you are most likely to procrastinate on
- It can have the greatest positive impact on your results
How to eat a Frog
Eat the ugliest frog first
- Ugliest = Biggest, Most Important, Hardest Task
- Select the most important task
- Resist the temptation to start with the easier task - for example, checking email
Procrastinate lower-value activities
- Deliberately procrastinate on tasks of low value so that you have more time for tasks that can make a big difference in your work and life
Identify MVAs 🖋️
- Most Valuable Activities
- Most Important Activities that add greatest values
- https://www.xmind.net/blog/en/2019/12/mind-map-time-management