1. The basis is SDCA / PDCA
    1. Standardize-do-check-act (SDCA)
    2. Plan- do-check-act (PDCA)
      1. Example: How we use PDCA
        1. https://www.xmind.net/m/kGqc
  2. 8D
    1. Step 1. Team Formation
      1. Members with sufficient product and process knowledge
      2. Members with ability to make decisions and carry out the required activities
    2. Step 2. Detailed Problem Description
      1. Using 5W2H
        1. WHO
          1. Who discovered the problem?
        2. WHAT
          1. What is the problem?
        3. WHEN
          1. When was the problem detected?
        4. WHERE
          1. Where was the problem detected?
        5. WHY
          1. Why is this a problem?
        6. HOW
          1. How was the problem discovered?
        7. HOW MANY
          1. What is the problem scale?
      2. Example
        1. https://www.xmind.net/m/fcnd
    3. Step 3. Interim Сontainment Action
      1. Carry out containment actions, that will not allow the present problem to spread
    4. 8D. Step 4. Root Cause Analysis
      1. the Ishikawa diagram (Fish Bone)
        1. Lead a brainstorming session and identify all the possible causes of the problem. Answer by question: Why did it happen?
        2. For all possible causes use most deeper analysis if necessary
        3. Prioritize high likely causes for next analysis
        4. Example
          1. https://www.xmind.net/m/mNR2
      2. «5 Why » method
        1. Use repeating the question «Why?» Each answer forms the next question
          1. To search the root cause, you do not have to answer all 5 Why, sometimes its can be less or more.
        2. Example
          1. https://www.xmind.net/m/SeKk
      3. If all efforts have been in vain
        1. Try to change your mind and fill new FishBone
        2. Invite not 8D Team members, for «outside view»
    5. 8D. Step 5. Corrective Action
      1. Formulate a list of corrective actions
        1. The aim is to eliminate the identified root cause.
      2. All proposed corrective actions should be initially analyzed, including taking into account the risk of new problems
    6. 8D. Step 6. Validate Corrective Actions
      1. Need to make sure that corrective actions have been effective
    7. 8D. Step 7. Identify & Implement Preventive Action
      1. This step applies as to the current project and as others
    8. 8D. Stage 8. Team & Individual Recognition
    9. Example: 8D using
      1. http://testerchronicles.ru/8d-for-problem-too-much-regression-bugs/
  3. QC Story
    1. QC Story. Step1. Choose a topic
      1. Why this topic was chosen?
    2. QC Story. Step2. Understanding the current state of the process and setting goals
      1. To Gemba
      2. Data collection
    3. QC Story. Step3. Analysis of collected data to identify the root cause of the problem
      1. Using 5 Why
    4. QC Story. Step4. Definition of countermeasures
    5. QC Story. Step5. Implementation of countermeasures
    6. QC Story. Step6. Confirmation of the countermeasure effect
    7. QC Story. Step7. Establishment / revision of standards, in order to avoid re-emergence of the problem
    8. QC Story. Step 8. Analysis of the above processes, work with next problem
  4. TBP (Toyota Business Practice)
    1. TBP. Step1. Describe the problem
    2. TBP. Step2. Analyze the problem
    3. TBP. Step3. Set a goal
    4. TBP. Step4. Identify the root cause
    5. TBP. Step5. Develop countermeasures
    6. TBP. Step6. Implement countermeasures
    7. TBP. Step7. Assess processes and results
    8. TBP. Step8. Standardize the effective processes
  5. Using such tools we receive
    1. A more cohesive focused Тeam involved in the process
    2. Increase the Team responsibility for the product quality
      1. Never compromise quality
    3. Improve the quality of the process and product
    4. Team development
    5. Prevent problems in the future
    6. We choose the continuous improvement way
  6. What we should remember
    1. Engagement of managers in all levels
    2. We should not find a guilty person, we try to find problems in process
    3. The product Team should have the opened mind for understanding, adopting and using the QMS tools
    4. For clear vision using tools for visualization the problem solving process