1. Product Compent Model (Shell 1)
    1. Support Services Component
    2. Repair and Maintenance
    3. Installation
    4. Instructions
    5. Other Related Services
    6. Legal
    7. Deliveries
    8. Spare Parts
    9. Warranty
  2. Product Compent Model (Shell 2)
    1. Legal
    2. Styling
    3. Brand Name
    4. Package
    5. Quality
    6. Price
    7. Trademark
    8. Packaging Component
  3. Product Compent Model (Shell 3)
    1. Core Component
    2. Design Features
    3. Legal
    4. Functional Features
    5. Product Platform
  4. Brand
    1. Family of Brands
      1. Refresh brand all the time
        1. Example is the IPhone and still selling the old one
          1. Apple is always changing the game. Make you go to them.
          2. Only so many upgrades
  5. Days of buying everything in one package are gone
    1. Apple Laptop
    2. Ilife
    3. Apple Care
    4. More and more separate products that are sold to you.
  6. Apple
    1. Genius Bar
    2. Learning and education center Not a Store
    3. Open 24 hrs in some locations
    4. Attracts all age groups
    5. Apple is MAC and MAC is Apple
  7. Product Placemnent in movies
  8. Big challenge is when a brand becomes generic
    1. When it becomes a verb
      1. Example would be Fed Ex or Need a Kleenix or Clorox(bleach)
        1. it becomes a neutral term
        2. Green MBA
  9. The customer does have a choice
    1. High cost vs low cost leader
    2. For a little bit less money you can buy tissues at Wal-Mart but have a red nose
  10. Leap Frogging / What does this mean?
    1. Strategy to being a "Me too"
      1. bugs have been worked out.
        1. No pressure to be the leader
          1. One someone is doing well - Everybody wants in
  11. Globalization
    1. Cause to build partnerships
  12. Politics and Steakholders
    1. PG&E
      1. BART
        1. SMAT Train
  13. xmas
    1. Macy's started the sales = more sales = more sales to the point of people baulking at 40% off
  14. Where does it all come together? What drives the market place?
    1. The science of it all
  15. Packaging
    1. Gold Fish Crackers
    2. Peperage Farm
      1. Family Brand
    3. Natural (beware of this term)
    4. 0 grams Transfat
    5. Whole Series (bike riding gold fish
    6. Product placement on shelves
  16. Look at how many brands have just gone away.
  17. New Product Development
    1. Idea
    2. Gate 1: Initial Screen
    3. Stage 1: Preliminary Assessment
    4. Gate 2: Second Screen
    5. Stage 2: Detailed Investigation (Business Case) Preparation
    6. Gate 3: Decision on Business Case
  18. Product Redundancy
    1. Means a back-up (Several different ways of looking at the same thing
  19. its the questions that you ask in marketing and business that make you successful