1. Reject Dispute (Invalid Dispute)
    1. End of Dispute
  2. Writeoff Dispute (Issuer accepts)
    1. Permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
      1. End of Dispute
  3. Raise Chargeback (Visa)
    1. Allocation (un-authorized - Non 2FA)
      1. Chargeback Accepted by Acquirer
        1. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          1. End of Dispute
      2. Chargeback Rejected by Acquirer
        1. Incoming Pre-arbitration from Acquirer
          1. Issuer actions (Pre-arbitration response)
          2. Accept the Pre- arbitraion to the Acquirer
          3. Reverse provision credit if issued to customer
          4. End of Dispute
          5. Reject the Pre- arbitraion to the Acquirer
          6. Acquirer accepts
          7. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          8. End of Dispute
          9. Acquirer Rejects
          10. Incoming Arbitration from Acquirer
          11. Arbitration verdict against Acquirer
          12. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount to customer) is issued
          13. End of Dispute
          14. Arbitration verdict against Customer
          15. Customer accepts
          16. End of Dispute
          17. Writeoff (Issuer accepts)
          18. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          19. End of Dispute
    2. Collaboration (Authrorized - Services not rendered)
      1. Chargeback Won (Acquirer accepts)
        1. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          1. End of Dispute
      2. Chargeback Lost (Acquirer rejects)
        1. Customer accepts
          1. End of Dispute
        2. Issuer actions
          1. Writeoff (Issuer accepts)
          2. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          3. End of Dispute
          4. Raise Pre-arbitration (Network)
          5. Pre-arbitration verdict against Acquirer
          6. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount to customer) is issued
          7. End of Dispute
          8. Pre-arbitration verdict against Customer
          9. Customer accepts
          10. End of Dispute
          11. Issuer actions
          12. Writeoff (Issuer accepts)
          13. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          14. End of Dispute
          15. Raise Issuer Arbitration
          16. Arbitration verdict against Acquirer
          17. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          18. End of Dispute
          19. Arbitration verdict against Customer
          20. Customer accepts
          21. End of Dispute
          22. Writeoff (Issuer accepts)
          23. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
          24. End of Dispute
  4. Raise to FRM team of Bank (un-authorized - with 2FA)
    1. Fraud Accepted (Issuer)
      1. If provisional credit is issued, it gets reversed and then permanent credit (<= dispute amount ) is issued to customer
        1. End of Dispute
    2. Fraud Rejected
      1. End of Dispute