1. Scrum is a Framework, not a methodology
    1. Scrum is a framework of rules, roles and principles
    2. The framework helps people and organizations discover what works best for them
    3. Lean
      1. Is founded on empiricism and lean thinking
      2. delivering superior customer value by eliminating waste - continuous improvement.
    4. Delivers
      1. Adaptive Products of highest value to solve complex problems in volatile environment. It's the opposite of the waterfall process.
    5. Empirical process
      1. Test and feedback oriented
      2. Knowledge comes from experience.
    6. Each element of the framework serves a specific purpose
    7. Value
      1. It helps to generate value through adapative solutions for complex problems
  2. 3 Pillars
    1. Transparency
    2. Inspection
    3. Adaptation
  3. 5 Values
    1. Courage
      1. Do it right. Courage facilitates empiricism and collaborative teamwork.
        1. Scrum Team members have courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems
    2. Focus
      1. Focus on the overall outcome.
        1. Everyone focuses on the work of the Sprint and the goals of the Scrum Team
    3. Commitment
      1. Scrum Team commits to goals. "It will be done no matter what"
        1. People personally commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team
    4. Respect
      1. Respect people, accountabilities, dedication, accomplishments.
        1. Scrum Team members respect each other to be capable, independent people
    5. Openness
      1. Facilitates teamwork and collaboration
        1. The Scrum Team and its stakeholders agree to be open about all the work and the challenges with performing the work
  4. Scrum Team
    1. Small team of people
      1. Scrum Master
        1. to foster the organizational environment
      2. Product Owner
        1. orders the work for a complex problem into a Product Backlog
      3. Developers
    2. Cohesive unit of professional
    3. Focused on one objective at a time
      1. The Product Goal
    4. Integrated Increment
      1. Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product must deliver at least one integrated increment at the end of the Sprint.
  5. Size
    1. Scrum Team (ST)
      1. Typically 10 or fewer
    2. Product Owner (PO)
      1. 1 per Product. Can also work as a Dev
    3. Developers (Devs)
      1. Typically 10 or fewer
    4. Scrum Master (SM)
      1. 1 per Scrum Team. Can also work as a Dev
    5. Multiple Teams working on a Product (Nexus / Scaled Scrum)
      1. Scrum Teams (ST)
        1. Frequent increments' integration. Coordinate, minimize or suppress dependencies. In Nexus: 3-9 STs
      2. Product Owner (PO)
        1. 1 PO for all Scrum Teams.
        2. Remember : 1 product = 1 Product Owner = 1 Product Backlog
      3. Scrum Master (SM)
        1. 1 per Scrum Team maximum
        2. 1 Scrum Master can be in many Scrum Teams
      4. Developers (Devs)
        1. Integrate often
  6. Accountabilities
    1. Scrum Team
      1. Commitment
        1. The product goal
      2. Composed of a Product Owner, a Scrum Master and Developers.
      3. No hierarchies
      4. No dependencies
      5. Self-managing and cross-functional
      6. The Scrum Team delivers valuable and usable increment every sprint
      7. All product-related activities. Creating a valuable, useful Increment every Sprint
      8. Improves every Sprint (via the Sprint Retrospective)
      9. Optimizes flexibility, creativity, and velocity
      10. Receive feedback from users and stakeholders
    2. Product Owner
      1. Commitment
        1. The maximum of value for the Product
      2. 1 person, not a committee
      3. Stakeholders and users representative
      4. Visionary
      5. Maximizes the Value of the Product built by the Developers
    3. Developers (Devs)
      1. Commitment
        1. The Sprint Goal
      2. Cross-functional, no titles
      3. Multi-skilled
      4. Build the usable increment that meets the Definition of Done
      5. Create the Sprint Backlog
      6. Ensure the increment meets the DoD
      7. Product Backlog Items estimation
      8. Monitor the progress of the Sprint (Daily Scrum)
    4. Scrum Master
      1. A true leader, facilitator and a coach
      2. Supports the Scrum Team.
      3. Promotes Scrum as it is described in the Scrum Guide ™within the organization
      4. Accountable for Scrum Team’s effectiveness
      5. Facilitates Scrum Events and ensures to keep them within time-boxes
  7. Key concepts
    1. Technical debt
      1. The result of prioritizing speedy delivery (quick and dirty) over perfect code (long term stability). Maintenance and fixing will be required.
    2. Changes vs performance
      1. When a change of people occurs within the Scrum Team, coordination and training will be required in a first place which will lower the short-term velocity. The same principle apply to adding a new Scrum Team on a product (for Nexus / Scaled Scrum)
    3. No special Sprints
      1. All the Sprints must deliver an increment ready to be released in production whenever needed.
      2. No hardening sprint or Sprint 0.
    4. Scrum Team self-management
      1. The Scrum Team is responsible for executing the tasks and monitoring and managing process and progress.
    5. Integrated Increment
      1. Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product must deliver at least one integrated increment at the end of the Sprint.
    6. Scaling vs Sprint lengths
      1. Multiple Scrum Teams working on the same product may have different Sprint length and start/end dates (not recommended though). Nevertheless, they must integrate the increment by the Sprint Review.
    7. Start the first Sprint
      1. Scrum requires a Scrum Team and a Product Backlog with enough items for a first Sprint.
    8. Definition of Done
      1. Scrum Team defines DoD. The Devs apply it.
      2. DoD must follow organizational standards as minimum
      3. Multiple Scrum Teams have one DoD
      4. Includes testing
  8. Scrum Events
    1. Sprint
      1. Time-box
        1. 1 month max
      2. Purpose (outcome)
        1. Build a new increment
      3. Participants
        1. The Scrum Team
    2. Sprint Planning
      1. Time-box
        1. 8 hours max
      2. Purpose (outcome)
        1. Define the Sprint Goal (why, what & how) and the Sprint Backlog
          1. (why, what & how)
      3. Participants
        1. The Scrum Team (+invitees if needed)
    3. Daily Scrum
      1. Time-box
        1. 15 mins max
      2. Purpose (outcome)
        1. Inspect and adapt the progress toward the Sprint Goal
        2. Update the Sprint Backlog if needed
        3. Talk about the current activity and impediments.
      3. Participants
        1. The Developers only (invitees can attend the Daily Scrum as silent observers)
    4. Sprint Review
      1. Time-box
        1. 4 hours max
      2. Purpose (outcome)
        1. Inspect Increment and adapt the Product Backlog
        2. Receive feedback in terms of changes, new requirements, new ideas...
      3. Participants
        1. The Scrum Team + Stakeholders.
    5. Sprint Retrospective
      1. Time-box
        1. 3 hours max
      2. Purpose (outcome)
        1. Inspect the Scrum Team in terms of people, relationships, process, tools and plan improvements for the next Sprint
        2. Review the Definition of Done that the Developers will have to apply to the next increments
      3. Participants
        1. The Scrum Team only
  9. Scrum Artifacts
    1. Product Backlog
      1. Description
        1. List of Product Backlog items (PBIs) which will compose new increments with the maximum of value
        2. Dynamic and never complete
        3. It's owned by the PO and frequently refined by the PO + the Devs
        4. There is 1 Product Backlog for 1 product owned by 1 PO
      2. Commitment
        1. Create a new increment and Progress Towards the Sprint Goal
        2. Value maximization and Progress Towards Product Goals
    2. Sprint Backlog
      1. Description
        1. Selected Product Backlog items (PBIs) for the Sprint (at the Sprint Planning) which will compose the new increment and reach the Sprint Goal
        2. It's owned and managed by the Developers and can be updated during Daily Scrums (with the agreement of the PO)
        3. There is 1 Sprint Backlog for 1 Scrum Team
        4. On Scaled Scrum, there are as many Sprint Backlogs as Scrum Teams but still 1 Product Backlog for 1 product
      2. Commitment
        1. Create a new increment and Progress Towards the Sprint Goal
        2. In case of remaining work at the end of the Sprint, the incomplete Sprint Backlog Items will return to the Product Backlog for future Sprints
    3. Definition of Done (DoD)
      1. Description
        1. Standard of quality for the Increment
        2. DoD is part of the standards of the organization which all Scrum Teams must follow at a minimum
        3. In case of Scaled Scrum, all Scrum Teams working on the same product must define and comply with a mutual DoD
      2. Commitment
        1. Ensures a standard of quality for an increment to be potentially releasable