1. Onboarding 1
  2. Onboarding 2
  3. Onboarding 3
  4. Search Stations
  5. Register
    1. Create Account
    2. Skip
  6. Log In
  7. Bottom Navigation
  8. Top Navigation
  9. Search Stations
    1. Display List of Stations
      1. Get Route
        1. Create Account
        2. Log In
  10. My Profile
    1. Account Settings
    2. Car Settings
    3. Payment Settings
    4. Activity
      1. Tab 1 - Billing
        1. Tab 2 - Charging History
    5. TOS
    6. FAQ
    7. About
    8. App Version
      1. Update
    9. Report this App
      1. Form
        1. Email
        2. Message Box
        3. Station ID
  11. Map View
    1. Show Map of Stations
  12. List view
    1. Show List of Stations
      1. Charge Here
        1. Make Favourite
  13. Favourite Stations
    1. Show List of Favourite Stations
      1. Get Route
        1. Create Account
        2. Log In
  14. QR Code
    1. Create Account
  15. Station Identification
    1. Ask Permission
      1. Scan QR Code
        1. Start Charging
          1. Charging screen
        2. Stop Charging
          1. Search Stations Screen