- (c) peripheries 2009
Physical Interventions
- Male Condom
- Femidon
Biomedical Interventions
- Circumcision
- Treatment of STIs
- Vaccine
- PrEP
- PopART
Chemical Interventions
- Microbicides
- Microbicides +ART
Sexual Behaviour Change
- Delayed Start of Sexual Life
- Partner Reduction
- Monogamy
- Abstinence
Knowing Your Status
- Improved Access to VCT
- Encourage Testing
Political Intervention
- Reproductive Rights
- Protecting from discrimination
- Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS
- Addressing Gender Imbalance
- Decriminalisation of Homosexuality
Social Intervention
- Raising HIV/AIDS Awareness
- Fighting stigma
- Education
Lifestyle changes
- Drug/Alcohol Abuse
- Role of Communities
- Personal Values
Universal Precautions
- Occupational Exposure
- Blood Screening
Prevention Programmes
- Evidence-Based
- General & Targeted
- "People-Centered"
Harm Reduction
Vertical Transmission
- Alternative to Breastfeeding
- Syringes & Needles Exchange
- Drug Addiction Interventions
- Decriminalisation of Drug Use
Sexual Practices
- Serosorting
- Positioning
- Negotiated safety
- Lubricants