1. 1. Delete any Python version installed in your computer (not mandatory)
  2. 2. Go to Miniconda
  3. 3. Download and Install Pycharm: Proffesional version with your ESPOL email (create account) to get one-year free
  4. 4. Create a virtual environment
    1. Go to Miniconda prompt
      1. conda create -n EspolPy
      2. conda activate EspolPy
      3. conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
      4. conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
      5. conda install pandas scikit-learn matplotlib numpy
  5. 5. Install JupyterLab
    1. conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
    2. Go to Miniconda prompt and acitvate your VE (conda activate EspolPy)
    3. Type Jupyter lab and then it will be open in your default browser
  6. Choose your operative system and download it. This platform holds already installed the last version of Python: 3.9.5
  7. This is one of the best IDE of Python. There are more such as visual studio, atom, sublime, spider, etc.
  8. This is the IDE we will be using most of the time