1. Introdution
    1. Definition
      1. Creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination
    2. The Age of Imperialism
      1. Started around 1870
      2. generally refers to activities of:
        1. The Countries:
          1. United Kingdom
          2. France
          3. Germany
          4. Italy
          5. Japan
          6. United States of America
        2. in the mid 19th and 20th centuries
  2. The Scramble for Africa
    1. Racism
    2. Boer War
    3. Imperialism
      1. Because Africa seen like raw material source
        1. Gold
        2. Diamond
        3. Rubber
    4. Social Darwinism
    5. Berlin Conference
    6. Shaka
    7. Boer
  3. Empires
    1. The British Empire
      1. The largest Empire of all history
        1. one quarter of earth's population
        2. almost one quarter of land area
        3. "The Sun never sets on the British Empire
    2. French colonial empire
      1. From 17th century to 1960s
      2. In the 19th and 20th century, 2nd largest
      3. Established in North America, Caribbean, and India
      4. In 19th century new empire in Africa and S.E. Asia
    3. Belgium colonial empire
      1. Between 1901 and 1962
      2. Belgian Congo
      3. Rwanda
      4. Burundi
      5. By Leopold II King of Belgium
      6. It was his private property and the most cruel colony
    4. German colonial possessions
      1. By Bismarck
      2. During the 1880s
      3. In Africa and Pacific
      4. Sent missionaries
    5. Portugal
      1. Cape Verde
      2. São Tomé and Príncipe
      3. Guinea-Bissau
      4. Angola
      5. Mozambique
    6. Spain
      1. Cuba
      2. Puerto Rico
      3. Spanish East Indies
      4. Pacific islands
      5. Spanish Guinea
      6. Spanish Sahara
      7. Spanish Moroco
      8. The Canary islands
      9. Ceuta
      10. Melilla
    7. Italian colonial empire
      1. Eritrea
      2. Somalia
      3. Libya