1. Topic
  2. Win-IE8 Users, before using XMind Pro Please
    1. Launch your IE 8
    2. Visit: http://www.XMind.net/
    3. Add XMind.net into "Compatibility View list"
      1. Tool > Compatibility View
  3. Sign up your account
  4. Activate your account
    1. Buy the subscription code
    2. Sign into your account
    3. Click "Subsciber" or "Renew" button
    4. Paste your subscription code
    5. Click "Activate" button and finish activation.
    6. Check your subscription informtion
      1. Click "Subscribe History" and see all history information
  5. Download the full XMind Pro
    1. Windows XP, Vista & 7
    2. Mac Tiger, Leopard, & Snow Leopard
    3. Ubuntu
    4. Portable version(zip)
  6. Install XMind Pro
    1. Mac 10.4 Tiger
    2. Portable Version
  7. Begin to use XMind Pro
    1. Launch XMind Pro
    2. Sign in with your activated account
    3. Begin to use XMind Pro
    4. Note: You can sign in with your account and use XMind Pro on any a computer if it has installed XMind Pro.