1. Historical Context
    1. Gracchi
      1. Liberals sort of
      2. Old Roman family, but pleb oriented
      3. Favored Land Reform
        1. give everyone bounty from conquest
      4. Both were killed in Riots
    2. Sulla turns Republic into de facto Military Dictatorship
      1. Pompey
      2. Julius Caesar
    3. Control of the Military means control of Rome
    4. Young People in the old days were expected to go into public life
    5. Educated Romans turned to Philosophy
      1. Stoics
        1. Leave your wife and son
        2. Immortality of the Soul
        3. Stoicism attracted early Christians
          1. Pan-Divination
          2. Everyone holds a bit of the divine inside them.
          3. Cicero: Why do we have slaves then?
      2. Epicurians
        1. Max Pleasure over time
        2. Nope. Life is it. The period is it.
        3. "Carpe Diem"
          1. From Mr. Horace
        4. Agnostics?
          1. No.
          2. Gods were too perfect to deal with our bullshit
          3. One cannot look to the Gods for an answer.
    6. Cleopatra and Caesar
      1. She banged him in the 40s
        1. Had a child by Caesar
          1. He was called "Caesarian"
          2. Literally, little Caesar
          3. Caesarian was put to death by Augustus
    7. Why did Caesar make Octavian the heir?
      1. Genetic, Familial thing..
      2. Forge a Caesarian Dynasty
        1. Iulius did trace his line back to Venus and Aeneas
      3. Saw Antony as a threat to his fame.
      4. For example, Alexander beqathed it to his generals
        1. because he wanted them to fight civil wars instead becoming more famous.
    8. Caesar Augustus
      1. Imperium
        1. Power. power a general achieves to keep discipline during a campaign
      2. He would not have called himself Emporer
      3. Imperium is given up after the campaign
      4. Think of the War wariness.
        1. Civil War from 49 - 31.
        2. So then, Augustus achieved the title Imperator for Life
      5. Beginning of the technical, historical, empire.
  2. Origins
    1. Not a patrician
  3. Death
    1. Proscribed
      1. 43 BC
    2. Killed by Marc Antony
  4. Consul
    1. 63 BC
    2. Novus Homo
      1. First in his family to be elected consul
  5. Literary Figure
    1. Most of his works survive
      1. Atticus preserved Cicero's cultural works
    2. Genres
      1. Rhetoric
        1. Orator
          1. Power of Persuasive Speech
        2. The greatest Rhetorician of all time
          1. Always more conservative than Caesar
        3. How to be an orator
      2. Poetry
        1. Oh Noetry
        2. Bad Poetry
      3. Forensic
        1. Speaking in Defense
        2. Really, Forensic comes from Latin Forum
        3. Forensic speech defends an individual accused.
      4. Deliberative
        1. Speaking to the people, forum,
        2. Advocating policy
    3. Epistolary
      1. Letters to everyone
      2. A bounty of important figures in Republican Rome.
      3. Geniune Correspondence
      4. Some places, he was sending a Letter per day.
    4. Translator into Latin
      1. Difficult Greek Works of Astronomy
    5. Philosophical Treatises
      1. He was not an original thinker
      2. Made greek philosophy practical and open
      3. Had to adjust Latin for philosophic purposes/descriptions
      4. Enrichment of the Latin Language to cover Philosophical Greek Ideas
      5. Eclectic Philsopher
        1. Picks and Chooses his ideas
    6. University Education
      1. Tremendous Influence
      2. Taught from his death till Today in University.
  6. Works
    1. De Officiis
      1. On Duties
      2. Response to the first round of Civil War, Assassination
      3. Cicero came out of Retirement, wrote speeches after Caeser assassination
      4. Intended to be circulated widely