1. Lead/ Prospect Management
    1. Lead Sales Cycle
      1. Not Contacted
      2. Attempted to Contact
        1. By Email
        2. By Phone
      3. Contacted
      4. Junk Lead
      5. Contact in Future
      6. Pre Qualified
      7. Not Qualified
    2. Potential Sales Cycle
      1. Qualified 10%
      2. Demo Scheduled 20%
      3. Demo Performed 40%
      4. Id. Decision Makers 50%
      5. Price Quote 60%
      6. Negociation/ Review 90%
      7. Closed Won 100%
      8. Closed Lost
  2. Outbound Channel
    1. Subtópico 1
  3. Inbound Channel
    1. Subtópico 1
  4. Leads Qualification Flow
  5. Leads List / Campaign
    1. Import List CRM and Zoho Campaign
    2. Email Cadenci Implementation
    3. Subtópico 3
      1. Subtópico 1
  6. Linbis Website
  7. Social Media
  8. Customer Referal