Lead/ Prospect Management
Lead Sales Cycle
- Not Contacted
Attempted to Contact
- By Email
- By Phone
- Contacted
- Junk Lead
- Contact in Future
- Pre Qualified
- Not Qualified
Potential Sales Cycle
- Qualified 10%
- Demo Scheduled 20%
- Demo Performed 40%
- Id. Decision Makers 50%
- Price Quote 60%
- Negociation/ Review 90%
- Closed Won 100%
- Closed Lost
Outbound Channel
- Subtópico 1
Inbound Channel
- Subtópico 1
- Leads Qualification Flow
Leads List / Campaign
- Import List CRM and Zoho Campaign
- Email Cadenci Implementation
Subtópico 3
- Subtópico 1
- Linbis Website
- Social Media
- Customer Referal