1. Writing for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
    1. Types of Articles
      1. Empirical Studies
      2. Literature Reviews
      3. Theoretical Articles
      4. Methodological Articles
      5. Case Studies
      6. Other Types of Articles
    2. Ethical and Legal Standards in Publishing
    3. Ensuring the Accuracy of Scientific Knowledge
      1. Ethical Reporting of Research Results
      2. Data Retention and Sharing
      3. Duplicate and Piecemeal Publication of Data
      4. Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism
    4. Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Research Participants
      1. Rights and Confidentiality of Research Participants
      2. Conflict of Interest
    5. Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
      1. Publication Credit
      2. Reviewers
      3. Author's Copyright on an Unpublished Manuscript
      4. Planning for Ethical Compliance
  2. Manuscript Structure and Content
    1. Journal Article Reporting Standards
    2. Manuscript Elements
      1. Title
      2. Author's Name (Byline) and Institutional Affiliation
      3. Author Note
      4. Abstract
      5. Introduction
      6. Method
      7. Results
      8. Discussion
      9. Multiple Experiments
      10. Meta-Analyses
      11. References
      12. Footnotes
      13. Appendices and Supplemental Materials
    3. Sample Papers
      1. One-Experiment
      2. Two-Experiment
      3. Meta-Analysis
  3. Writing Clearly and Concisely
    1. Organization
      1. Length
      2. Organizing a Manuscript with Headings
      3. Levels of Heading
      4. Seriation
    2. Writing Style
      1. Continuity in Presentation of Ideas
      2. Smoothness of Expression
      3. Tone
      4. Economy of Expression
      5. Precision and Clarity
      6. Linguistic Devices
      7. Strategies to Improve Writing Style
    3. Reducing Bias in Language
    4. General Guidelines for Reducing Bias
      1. Guideline 1: Describe at the Appropriate Level of Specificity
      2. Guideline 2: Be Sensitive to Lables
      3. Guideline 3: Acknowledge Participation
    5. Reducing Bias by Topic
      1. Gender
      2. Sexual Orientation
      3. Racial and Ethnic Identity
      4. Disabilities
      5. Age
      6. Historical and Interpretive Inaccuracies
    6. Grammar and Usage
      1. Verbs
      2. Agreement of Subject and Verb
      3. Pronouns
      4. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers and Use of Adverbs
      5. Relative Pronouns and Subordinate Conjunctions
      6. Parallel Construction
  4. The Mechanics of Style
    1. Punctuation
      1. Spacing after Punctuation Marks
      2. Period
      3. Comma
      4. Semicolon
      5. Colon
      6. Dash
      7. Quotation Marks
      8. Double or Single Quotation Marks
      9. Parentheses
      10. Brackets
      11. Slash
    2. Spelling
      1. Preferred Spelling
      2. Hyphenation
        1. General Principle 1
        2. General Principle 2
        3. General Principle 3
        4. General Principle 4
        5. General Principle 5
    3. Capitalization
      1. Words Beginning a Sentence
      2. Major Words in Titles and Headings
      3. Proper Nouns and Trade Names
      4. Nouns Followed by Numerals or Letters
      5. Titles of Tests
      6. Names of Conditions or Groups in an Experiment
      7. Names of Factors, Variables, and Effects
    4. Italics
      1. Use of Italics
    5. Abbreviations
      1. Use of Abbreviations
      2. Explanation of Abbreviations
      3. Abbreviations Accepted as Words
      4. Abbreviations Used often in APA Journals
      5. Latin Abbreviations
      6. Scientific Abbreviations
      7. Other Abbreviations
      8. Plurals of Abbreviations
      9. Abbreviations Beginning a Sentence
    6. Numbers
      1. Numbers Expressed as Numerals
      2. Numbers Expressed in Words
      3. Combining Numerals and Words to Express Numbers
      4. Ordinal Numbers
      5. Decimal Fractions
      6. Roman Numerals
      7. Commas in Numbers
      8. Plurals of Numbers
    7. Metrication
      1. Policy on Metrication
      2. Styles for Metric Units
    8. Statistical and Mathematical Copy
      1. Selecting Effective Presentation
      2. References for Statistics
      3. Formulas
      4. Statistics in Text
      5. Statistical Symbols
      6. Spacing, Alignment, and Punctuation
    9. Equations
      1. Equations in Text
      2. Displayed Equations
      3. Preparing Statistical and Mathematical Copy
  5. Displaying Results
    1. General Guidance on Tables and Figures
      1. Purposes of Data Displays
      2. Design and Preparation of a Data Display
      3. Graphical Versus Textual Presentation
      4. Formatting Tables and Figures
      5. Table and Figure Numbers
      6. Permission to Reproduce Data Displays
    2. Tables
      1. Conciseness in Tables
      2. Table Layout
      3. Standard Forms
      4. Relation of Tables and Text
      5. Relation Between Tables
      6. Table Titles
      7. Table Headings
      8. Table Body
      9. Confidence Intervals
      10. Table Notes
      11. Ruling of Tables
      12. Presenting Data in Specific Types of Tables
      13. Table Checklist
    3. Figures
      1. Principles of Figure Use and Construction
      2. Types of Figures
      3. Standards for Figures
      4. Figure Legends and Captions
      5. Planning Figures
      6. Preparation of Figures
      7. Figure Checklist
    4. Presenting Electrophysiological, Radiological, and Other Biological Data
      1. Electrophysiological Data
      2. Radiological (Imaging) Data
      3. Genetic Data
      4. Photographs
      5. Figure Checklist
  6. Crediting Sources
    1. When to Cite
      1. Plagiarism
      2. Self-Plagiarism
    2. Quoting and Paraphrasing
      1. Direct Quotation of Sources
      2. Paraphrasing Material
      3. Direct Quotations of Online Material without Pagination
      4. Accuracy of Quotations
      5. Changes from the Source Requiring no Explanation
      6. Changes from the Source Requiring Explanation
      7. Citations within Quotations
      8. Permission to Quote, Reprint, or Adapt
    3. Citing References in Text
      1. One Work by One Author
      2. One Work by Multiple Authors
      3. Groups as Authors
      4. Authors with the Same Surname
      5. Works with No Identified Author or with an Anonymous Author
      6. Two or More Works within the Same Parentheses
      7. Secondary Sources
      8. Classical Works
      9. Citing Specific Parts of a Source
      10. Personal Communications
      11. Citations in Parenthetical Material
      12. References Included in a Meta-Analysis
    4. Reference Components
      1. Author and Editor Information
      2. Publication
      3. Title
      4. Publication Information
      5. Electronic Sources and Locator Information
      6. Providing Publication Data for Electronic Sources
  7. Reference Examples
    1. Types and Variations
      1. Periodicals
      2. Books, Reference Books, and Book Chapters
      3. Technical and Research Reports
      4. Meetings and Symposia
      5. Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses
      6. Reviews and Peer Commentary
      7. Audiovisual Media
      8. Data Sets, Software, Measurement Instruments, and Apparatus
      9. Unpublished and Informally Published Works
      10. Archival Documents and Collections
      11. Internet Message Boards, Electronic Mailing Lists, and Other Online Communities
      12. Author Variations
      13. Title Variations
      14. Publication Information Variations
      15. Subtopic 15
    2. Examples by Type
      1. Periodicals
      2. Books, Reference Books, and Chapters
      3. Technical and Research Reports
      4. Meetings and Symposia
      5. Reviews and Peer Commentary
      6. Audiovisual Media
      7. Data Sets, Software, Measurement Instruments, and Apparatus
      8. Unpublished and Informally Published Works
      9. Archival Documents and Collections
    3. Appendix 7.1: Reference to Legal Materials
      1. General Forms
      2. Text Citations of Legal Materials
      3. Court Decisions (Bluebook Rule 10)
      4. Statutes (Bluebook Rule 12)
      5. Legislative Materials (Bluebook Rule 13)
      6. Administrative and Executive Materials (Bluebook Rule 14)
      7. Patents
  8. The Publication Process
    1. Editorial Process
      1. Peer Review
      2. Manuscript Acceptance or Rejection
    2. Author Responsibilities
      1. Preparing the Manuscript for Submission
      2. Complying with Ethical, Legal, and Policy Requirements
      3. Publisher Policy Requirements
      4. Working with the Publisher When the Manuscript Has Been Accepted
      5. Checklist for Manuscript Submission
  9. Appendix
    1. Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)
    2. Meta-Analysis Reporting System (MARS)
    3. Flow of Participants Through Each Stage of an Experiment or Quasi-Experiment