1. Actors
    1. States
      1. Central
      2. Distinct National G'ments
        1. power over population
    2. Supra-State institutions
      1. Above normal g'Ment interaction
      2. Still state centric
        1. EU - greater interaction with member states
    3. Sub-State Actors
      1. National
        1. Interest Groups
        2. Domestic Lobby
      2. Trans-National
        1. Power vs state?
        2. Challenge what state system is about
        3. Decline of STATE?
          1. shift in power basis
  2. Pro (+)
    1. Economic growth
      1. Absolute economic gains
  3. Con (-)
    1. shadow Globalisation terrorism
      1. Global transnational influence
      2. Inter-related economic dependence
        1. Economic failure = Damaging concequence
    2. Globalisation of Violence
      1. Diffusion
      2. Expansion of Agencies of violence
        1. informal violence
        2. terrorism- street gangs
        3. privatisation-mercanaries
    3. TNC
      1. do not have state aims
        1. weak states invest in militia
          1. undermines state posn
    4. Distribution of Coercive Power
      1. Doesn't coincide with distr of State power-state monopolies
    5. Decline of State System
      1. Politico-economic Interaction
      2. Physical Sy
        1. Social Welfare
      3. Provide Identity
      4. Welfare prosperity
      5. Undermines
        1. Proliferation of actors, Threats & challenges
        2. Transnational Corporatiosn
    6. Contested
      1. Multiple process
      2. World is smaller
      3. Contradictory effects
    7. Concequences
      1. =transformed strategic concept
        1. bi-polar world
        2. Permanent war
        3. Autocracy
        4. Global strategic closure
  4. What is Globalisation
    1. Process
      1. Inevitable process
        1. A set of variables
        2. markets are happpening
      2. implies inexplicable
        1. Deeper integration
          1. Further, Faster Deeper & Cheeper
      3. Historical
        1. nothing new
      4. Telegraph
        1. Key process of Globalisation
      5. Slavery
        1. 3 waves
          1. Salve Globalisation until WW1 - Slavery
          2. Post WW1 Withdrawing slowly
          3. Post WW2 Globalisation growth
          4. IMF
          5. NATO etc
      6. Occurs in waves
    2. Project
      1. People doing
        1. Deliberate not Inevitable
      2. States choice
        1. Good
          1. Openness of trade
          2. GDP & Foreign investment of cash
          3. increase means that G'ment have to make choice Liberalised
        2. Bad
          1. Global Drugs trade
        3. Decline
          1. Walmart more more money than Poland
          2. GM more than Saudi Arabia
    3. Imaginary
      1. Idea / Philosophy
        1. Final theory of IR
        2. Think critically about Globalisation
          1. Flat world throry
          2. Democratic peace theory
          3. increase trade & wealth = reluctance to fight
          4. system interactions
          5. State, Countries, Companies Religion,EU, NATO
          6. Absolute terms = people better off
          7. increased economic interaction
          8. Reducing occurrence of conflicts
          9. Increase State exports
          10. trade increases
          11. wealth increases
          12. Military version = Stabilisation
      2. Globalised & economised Economies do not go to war
        1. Autocracy has diminished and democracy has increased
      3. Increased Insecurity & Globalisation of Violence
        1. Unruly World
      4. Divided world
        1. Ethnic division
      5. Shadow Globalisation
        1. Black Market
        2. arms smuggling
  5. 5 TYPES
    1. Societal
    2. Economic
    3. Political
    4. Military
    5. Environmental
  6. Paradox of Globalisation
    1. Can be positive & Negative
      1. depends on Perspective
    2. Key structural conditions
      1. global stability
    3. New mode of warfare
      1. Global surveillance war