1. Grabber Overview 1pg
    1. Proposal yields
    2. Deliverable
      1. Objectives
      2. Deliverable
      3. Benefit
    3. Why ProMatura
      1. Experience
      2. Reputation
      3. Proven Process
    4. Time and price
  2. Background Info
    1. Client
      1. Who
      2. History
        1. Do homework
      3. Objectives
    2. Product
      1. What
        1. Type
        2. Size
        3. Constraints
        4. Price
        5. Attributes
      2. Where
        1. Area
          1. Address
          2. Map
      3. Time Frame
        1. Start
        2. Finish
    3. ProMatura observations
      1. Alternative ideas
      2. Concerns about research
  3. Proposed scope of work
    1. Method
      1. Research Seminar
      2. Internet
      3. Telephone
      4. Telephone and Written
    2. How method meets Objectives
    3. Content
      1. Develop plan
      2. Positioning
      3. Housing
      4. Amenities
      5. Services
      6. Purchase options
      7. Pricing
    4. Steps and Time Frame
      1. Visit
      2. Concept creation
      3. Plan and prepare
      4. Target market definition
      5. Drafts of instruments
      6. Approvals
      7. Launch
      8. Analyze
      9. Prepare report and recommended plan
  4. Pricing
    1. Professional services
      1. Options
    2. Out-of-pocket expenses
      1. Options
  5. Deliverables
    1. Objective
    2. Deliverable
    3. Benefit
  6. Appendices
    1. ProMatura
    2. Details about research
    3. Conjoint analysis