1. Supplier Registration
    1. Suppliers register their companies by providing relevant information and uploading required documents, such as business licenses, tax identification numbers, etc.
    2. The purchasing team reviews and verifies the supplier information and documents
    3. Approved suppliers are added to the supplier database, and their status is updated accordingly
  2. RFQ Creation
    1. Purchasers create RFQs in application by specifying the products or services they need, quantities, delivery requirements, and other relevant details.
    2. RFQs are sent to pre-approved suppliers in application for quotation.
  3. Quotation Submission
    1. Suppliers receive the RFQs in application and submit their quotations, including prices, delivery times, and any other terms and conditions.
    2. Suppliers can submit multiple quotations for different product options, quantities, or delivery options, if applicable.
    3. Quotations are automatically recorded in application and linked to the corresponding RFQs.
  4. Quotation Evaluation
    1. Purchasers may also consider suppliers' ratings or past performance, if available in appplication.
    2. Purchasers can request additional information or clarifications from suppliers, if needed.
  5. Supplier Selection
    1. Based on the evaluation, the purchaser selects the preferred supplier
    2. Purchase order (PO) is generated in application for the selected supplier, specifying the agreed-upon terms, such as price, quantity, delivery time, etc.
    3. PO is sent to the supplier for confirmation.
  6. Purchase Order Confirmation
    1. Supplier receives the PO in application and confirms the order, indicating their acceptance of the terms.
    2. Purchase order confirmation is recorded, and the purchase order is considered as finalized.
  7. Purchase Order Fulfillment
    1. Supplier prepares and delivers the goods or services as per the agreed-upon terms in the purchase order.
    2. Purchaser receives the goods or services and verifies their quality and quantity
  8. Receipt and Invoice
    1. Purchaser records the receipt of goods or services in application, and the corresponding inventory or expense accounts are updated.
    2. Supplier submits the invoice for payment in application, based on the agreed-upon terms in the purchase order.
    3. Invoices are reviewed and verified by the purchaser, and any discrepancies or issues are resolved.
  9. Payment and Reporting
    1. Purchaser processes the payment to the supplier in application, based on the approved invoice.
    2. Payment details are recorded , and relevant financial accounts are updated.
    3. Purchaser generates reports in application to track purchase orders, supplier performance, and other purchasing metrics for analysis and reporting purposes.