1. Mendelian
    1. Gregory Mendel
      1. 19th century monk
      2. Austrian
      3. interested in heredity
        1. the transmission of traits from parents to their offspring
      4. trait
        1. any characteristic of an individual
        2. trait-charcateristic
          1. seed shape, seed color, plant height
      5. laid the ground work for the chromosome theory
    2. Gene
      1. part of DNA coding for trait
    3. Allele = 2 contrasting forms of gene
    4. Pea Plants
      1. 7 traits each with contrasting alleles
        1. flower color
        2. flower position
        3. stem length
        4. seed shape
        5. seed color
        6. pod shape
        7. pod color
      2. self pollination vs cross pollination
      3. model organism
        1. easy to grow
        2. reproductive cycle is short
        3. produces large numbers of seeds
        4. matings are easy to control
        5. traits are easily recognizable
      4. Monohybrid Cross
        1. heterozygous traits produce
          1. 3:1 phenotype
          2. 1:2:1 genotype
    5. Reciprocal Cross
      1. used to determine genes depend on mother or father
      2. found out that it doesn't matter if gene comes from mother or father
        1. recessive and dominant
    6. Blending Inheritance
      1. traits observed in a mother and father blend together to form the traits observed in their offspring
        1. black + white = gray
    7. Inheritance of Acquired Characters
      1. claimed that traits present in parents are modified, through use, & passed to their offspring in the modified form
        1. giraffe necks are used to stretched high = longer necked children
    8. Phenotype
      1. an individual's observable features
    9. Genotype
      1. listing of the alleles in an individuals
    10. pure lines
      1. individuals that produce offspring identical to themselves
      2. individuals of the same phenotype that, when crossed, always produce offspring w/ the same phenotype
      3. Mendel made sure he worked with pure lines
    11. First Conclusion
      1. Law of Dominance
        1. capital letter = Dominant
        2. lowercase letter = Recessive
    12. Independent assortment
      1. alleles for seed shape segregated independly of those for seed color
      2. Mendels results were very close to the 9:3:3:1
    13. Mendel's Principles
      1. Biological characteristics are determined by genes
      2. Some parts may be dominant others may be recessive
      3. Alleles usually separate independently
    14. Incomplete dominance
      1. one allele is not completely dominant over another
    15. Co-dominance
      1. both alleles contribute to the phenotype
    16. Multiple alleles
      1. genes that have more than two alleles
    17. Particulate Inheritance
      1. observation that genes from two parents do not blend, but instead remain separate or particle-like
    18. Principle of Segregation
      1. to explain the 3:1 in F2
        1. Mendel said that the two members of each gene pair must segregate
          1. separate into different gamete cells during the formation of eggs and sperm
          2. each gamete has one allele of each gene
    19. Dihybrid Cross
      1. mating of 2 parents that are heterzygous for 2 diff genes
  2. Modern
    1. Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
      1. Meiosis
        1. explains Mendel's principles
          1. independent assortment
          2. random way chromosomes line up as homologous pairs during Metaphase I
          3. principle of segregation
          4. physical separation of allels during Anaphase !
      2. Thomas Hunt Morgan
        1. Goal
          1. to identify different phenotypes
        2. Testing
          1. fruit flies
          2. red eyes as the wild type for eye color
          3. white eyes as a mutation
          4. experiments suggest relationship between
          5. the sex of the progeny
          6. the inheritance of eye color in Drosophilia
          7. Mutation
          8. any change in the hereditary material of an organism
          9. DNA in most organisms
          10. RNA in some viruses
          11. the only source of new alleles in populations
          12. different than the wild type
          13. Mutant
          14. an individual that carries a mutation, particularly a new or rare mutation
          15. wild type
          16. most common phenotype seen in the wild
          17. in case of genetic engineering
          18. naturally occurring trait
        3. 20th century
    2. X-linked Inheritance
      1. Morgan
        1. put together his experimental results w/ Stevens' observations on sex chromosomes
        2. proposed that the gene for white eye color in fruit flies is located on the X chromosome
        3. said the Y chromosome does not carry an allele of this gene
        4. hypothesis
          1. X-linked Inheritance (X-linkage)
          2. females (XX) would then have 2 copies of the gene
          3. Males (XY) would have only one
          4. convinced most biologists
          5. chromosome theory of inheritance was correct
    3. Applying Mendel's Rules to Humans
      1. Pedigrees
        1. family trees are used to analyze human crosses that already exist
        2. because experimental crosses cannot be done in humans
        3. record
          1. genetic relationship among the individuals in a family
          2. each person's sex
          3. phenotype for that trait being studied
      2. Autosomal or Sex-Linked?
        1. if a trait appears equally often in males and females
          1. it is likely to be autosomal
        2. if males are much more likely to have the trait
          1. it is usually X-linked
        3. X-linked recessive traits
          1. usually skip generations in a pedigree
          2. hemophilia is an example
        4. X-linked dominant traits
          1. rarely skip generations
          2. are indicated in a pedigree where an affected male has all affected daughters but no affected sons
          3. hypophosphatemia is an example
      3. Linkage
        1. Genes can be located on the same Chromosome
        2. linked genes
          1. predicted to always be transmitted together during gamete formation
          2. should violate the principle of independent assortment
        3. mapping
          1. % of recombinant offspring can be used
          2. to estimate the location of genes
          3. relative to one another
          4. on the same chromosome
          5. frequency of crossing over can be used to create a genetic map
          6. diagram showing the relative positions of genes
          7. along a particular chromosome
      4. Quantitative Traits
        1. Nilsson-Ehle
          1. used wheat to propose
          2. why the kernel color exhibited a normal distribution
        2. transmission of quantitative traits results from
          1. Polygenic Inheritance
          2. each gene adds a small amount to the value of the phentype
  3. Probability & Punnett Squares
    1. Probability
      1. liklihood that a particular event will occur
        1. coin toss
    2. Punnett Squares
      1. gene combination that might result from a genetic cross can be determined by drawing a diagram
        1. letters in the Punnett square represents alleles
      2. used to predict and compare the genetic variables that will result from a cross
    3. Homozygous
      1. organisms that have two identical alleles for the same trait
    4. Heterozygous
      1. organisms that have two different alleles for he same trait
  4. The study of inheritance