1. Consortium
    1. Staffing
      1. Lead Transport Economist
        1. Neil Rickard to replace Zhang Chun Tai
        2. awaiting approval from Client
      2. Legal specialist
        1. Benjamin NTAGANIRA
          1. status of contact with
        2. Fred Ringo
          1. what is he doing at present?
        3. Uganda?
          1. need to identify someone for input from Ug?
      3. Water resources eng
        1. Benon Zaake?
          1. have not heard from him since December
          2. has good background
          3. can we use him?
        2. Machibya
          1. what is his likely time for input
          2. need program of inputs
      4. Translator?
        1. line up a Mandarin interpreter/translator for Zeng Tao (River Nav)
      5. Civil engineer
        1. Richard NGENDAHAYO
        2. other? we had Joseph Ndirangu
        3. what can he do?
          1. bridge details
          2. road details
          3. rail details
      6. other possibilities from Rwanda?
        1. Surveyor
          1. hydrographic surveyor from ICT
        2. hydrologist
          1. to start data collection
          2. see NBI Feb09 report for starting point
          3. obtain information about restrictions in flow or takeoff of water (irrigation and hydro)
        3. geologist
          1. use guy from Giciye proposal?
        4. materials engineer
          1. ??
    2. MJF to send consultancy subcontracts to ITC and GCS
      1. will send Thur 21, reflecting comments from BLK
    3. Office accom
      1. at present try in GCS office
        1. Internet connection to sort out usage etc.
        2. Establish a sub network for ARTS
          1. MJF to bring Network Storage box(File server) or buy in KGL
          2. MJF to look at possibilities
        3. Printer?
        4. Copier?
        5. furniture
          1. desks
          2. chairs
          3. filing cabinet/cupboard
        6. agreement on use of office phone and fax
        7. agreement on use of printer and copier in short term
    4. Bank account
      1. open USD/RWF bank account with signatories MJF, JB and BLK (two to sign)
      2. MJF will bring some cash or can transfer from Switzerland
      3. Accounting system (Cashbook) to handle all project funds
        1. MJF will send draft guidelines
    5. Housing
      1. Can GCS arrange a 3br flat for staff to stay in?
      2. would be rented and managed by GCS and consortium would then pay rent to GCS on monthly basis - fully equipped and maintained
      3. What is available - location, size, rent?
      4. expect could rent from now until probably August at least
    6. Vehicle
      1. can rent a vehicle from GCS sources?
        1. with driver
      2. Bring ex Haberlein vehicle from Tz for start?
    7. Telephones
      1. ensure all coming to KGL have immediate access to mobile network
        1. prepaid cards and recharge
  2. Missions
    1. MJF mission
      1. first mission week 6, after 8 Feb10, 2 weeks
      2. second mission with Zeng Tao in March
        1. or in April to coincide with Inst and Legal Report preparation
    2. BLK mission
      1. Likely inputs over next 2 months
      2. first mission in mid Jan 2010
      3. need to attend Bukoba workshop for ICT in mid Feb10
      4. come back in Feb and work with MJF, JB and NR
    3. NR first mission
      1. still awaiting client approval to sign contract and sort out details of missions
      2. First mission at end of Feb? Could be earlier.....
        1. might be useful to come for a week during kickoff mission
      3. input to inception report in Feb
      4. review progress of data collection process
        1. he will do up some initial notes in Jan to start data collection
        2. look for gaps and decide how to proceed
      5. plan on follow up mission in Mar/Apr10?
    4. Kickoff mission
      1. MJF arrive 8.2.10
        1. Visa for Tz/Ug if cross by road?
      2. Plan for a fact finding workshop in second week
      3. Prepare Inception report
        1. refine activity schedule
        2. finalise manning schedule
        3. identify what we need from Client
        4. modify the work plan in the proposal if needed
    5. Zeng Tao first mission
      1. Visit port and IWT facilities in Basel with MJF
      2. Come to Kigali in March 10
    6. JB inputs
      1. work with BLK on pre mob activities Jan 2010
      2. work with BLK and MJF etc during kick off mission
      3. keep contact with Ministry
      4. assist with monthly reports
        1. first one due at end of Feb 10
  3. Ministry
    1. Advance Payment
      1. sent Bank Guar by courier to GCS 19 Jan 10
      2. Letter and invoice accompanying
      3. copy sent electronically to Ministry for their information and advance action
      4. GCS to submit hard copy when received
      5. GCS to follow up for payment (weekly)
    2. Meetings with Ministry
      1. make sure to have at least one, better two meetings with Ministry to keep them informed.
      2. suggest short report at end of mission for sending to Ministry and myself
      3. obtain names and coordinates of all relevant players
  4. Data Collection
    1. Read proposal carefully
      1. password to open is akagerariver
      2. ftp://ftp.iteco.ch/AkageraNavProject/TechPro_Rwanda_AkageraRiver_FINALlocked.pdf
    2. Look at ESCAP document
      1. ftp://ftp.iteco.ch/AkageraNavProject/UN_Manual_Modernization_IWT.pdf
    3. Look at NBI Feb 09 document
      1. ftp://ftp.iteco.ch/AkageraNavProject/Final_Report_akagera_Navigability.pdf
    4. See figure from proposal and separate mind map
  5. Fact Finding workshop
    1. Discuss
    2. Need at least 2 weeks notice to participants
    3. Suggested dates 17-19 Feb?
    4. Prepare program/agenda
      1. give a briefing to participants of project
      2. get details of involvement by others in sector/region
      3. get details of overlapping projects
      4. try to find out what sources of information exist that we have not yet tapped
      5. other to add.....
    5. Possible participants
      1. Mininfra
        1. Dir of Infrastructure
        2. Dir of Planning
        3. Under Sec Gen in charge of Infra & Planning
      2. EAC
        1. Infrastructure (Arusha)
        2. others?
      3. Donors
        1. SNV
        2. DFID
        3. Belgian Tech Coop
        4. GTZ
        5. Danida
        6. USAID
        7. EU
      4. UN Agencies
        1. UNDP
      5. Bank representatives
        1. WB
        2. AfDB
      6. Other consultants active in transport, environm etc
        1. road
        2. rail
        3. pipeline
        4. environment and habitat
      7. Local Consultants
      8. NGOs
        1. Environment
        2. Social/Gender
        3. Wildlife
      9. Look at transboundary - Ug & Tz also