Creativity, design and innovation
Design & knowledge related services (Creative)
- Advertising, market research and public opinion surveys
- Arqchitectural, engineering and other technical services
- Research and Development services
Design exports
- Fashion, interior, toys, jewellery and graphic
- Networked economy
Innovation process
3 generic technologies: IvT, ICT, OMT
Global innovation network
Trends & events
complexity and cost of innovation process
- The cost of complexity: ICTs, harmonisation of business practice, breakdown of consumer categories, convergence between industries and/or technologies, surpulus of ideas (funnel)
- desarrollo de habilidades y talento en paĆses emergentes (i.e. China e India)
- regional shortage of talent
- Off-shoring innovation
- Open innovation
- Inhibator: IP thief and coordination
- Challenges: coomunication (online, face-to-face)