- Maximise Expected return subject to tolerance to risk
Risk Vs Return
- Take more risks if you expect more return
Total Risk
Unsystematic risk
- Specific risks
Systematic risk
- Market Risks
- Expected return
- Historical returns
Riskiness of returns
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Objectives
- Identify Risks
- Risk Evaluation
- Policy Development
- Strategy Development
- Implementation
- Review
- Avoidance
- Loss Control
- Combination
- Separation
- Transfer
- Retention
- Sharing
Creation of Exposures
- Purchase Managers
- Sales Managers
- Engineers
- HR Managers
- Logistics Managers
- Divisional Presidents
Common Goal
- Risk Management &
- Financial Management
- Proper Mix
- Proactive Management
- Flexibility
- Optimisation
- Substitution
- Hedging
- Forwards
- Futures
- Options
- Swaps
- Hybrid Debt Securities
Managing Risks
Business Risks
- BP's Insurance Strategy
- Currency Risks
Interest Rate Risks
- External
- Internal
- Asset Liability Management