1. General Development Skills
    1. Learn to search for solutions
    2. Maintain quality code
    3. Git - Version Control (GitHub, Azure DevOps, TFS)
    4. Git Branching flows
      1. Git Flow
      2. Github Flow
    5. Data Structures and Algorithms
      1. Basic algorithms
      2. Complex algorithms
      3. Big O complexity
  2. C#
    1. New features C# 7 to 10
    2. Learn the basics of C# 11
    3. Learn .NET 7
  3. SOLID and Patterns
    1. Single Responsibility Priniciple ( SRP )
    2. Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
    3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
    4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
    5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
  4. ASP.NET Core Basics
    1. Web API
    2. REST
    3. Routing
    4. Middlewares
    5. Filters & Attributes
    6. Application Settings & Configurations
    7. Authentication & Authorization (Identity code aspect)
    8. Minimal APIs
    9. EF core
    10. more....
    11. Dependency Injection
      1. DI Containers
        1. Microsoft.Extensions. DependencyInjection
      2. Lifecycles
        1. Scoped
        2. Transient
        3. Singleton
      3. Scrutor
  5. SQL Fundamentals
    1. Fundamentals about database design and SQL Syntax
    2. Constraints
    3. Stored Procedures
    4. Stored Procedure
    5. UDT
    6. Trigger
    7. Merge Query
    8. CTE
    9. Query optimising
  6. Databases
    1. Relational
      1. SQL Server
        1. Query performances
      2. PostgreSQL
      3. SQLite
      4. Oracle
    2. ERD
    3. NoSQL
      1. Redis
      2. Azure CosmosDB
      3. MongoDB
    4. Search Engines
      1. ElasticSearch
    1. Dapper
    2. Entity Framework Core
      1. Learn the basics of Entity Framework Core
      2. Code First + Migrations
      3. Database First - EfCore PowerTool
      4. Change Tracker API
      5. Lazy Loading, Eager Loading, Explicit Loading
      6. Interceptors
  8. Caching
    1. Memory Cache
    2. Distributed Cache
      1. Redis
        1. StackExchange.Redis
    3. Entity Framework 2nd Level Cache
  9. Log Frameworks
    1. Serilog
    2. Log Management System
      1. Seq
      2. Azure Appinsight
      3. ELK Stack
      4. Datadog
      5. loggly.com
      6. Sentry.io
    3. OpenTelemetry
  10. Metrics and Distributed tracing
    1. Matrics
      1. ELK Stack
      2. Grafana
      3. OpenTelemetry
      4. Prometheus
    2. Distributed tracing
      1. OpenTelemetry
      2. Datadog
      3. Lightstep
      4. Jeager
  11. Testing
    1. Unit Testing
      1. Frameworks
        1. xUnit
        2. NUnit
      2. Mocking
        1. Moq
        2. NSubstitute
      3. Assertion
        1. FluentAssertions
    2. Integration Testing
      1. WebApplicationFactory
      2. TestServer
      3. webstorm
  12. API Clients & Communications
    1. REST
      1. Best practices
      2. Versionning
      3. Open API Documenting
      4. OData
      5. Client Tools
        1. Postman
        2. Fiddler
        3. .http files
    2. GraphQL
      1. HotChocolate
    3. gRPC
  13. Object Mapping
    1. AutoMapper
    2. Mapster
  14. Real-Time Communication
    1. SignalR Core
    2. Web Sockets
  15. Task Scheduling
    1. Native BackgroundService
    2. Quartz
    3. HangFire
    4. Outbox pattern with scheduling
  16. Architectural and design patterns
    1. CQRS
    2. Event sourcing
    3. MVC
    4. MVVM
    5. Design Patterns
      1. Singleton
      2. Factory
      3. Builder
      4. Strategic
      5. Command
      6. State
  17. Microservices
    1. Cloud providers
      1. Azure
      2. AWS
    2. Resilient
      1. Polly
      2. Circuit brakers
      3. Retry pattern
    3. Containerization
      1. Docker
    4. Orchestration
      1. Kubernetes
    5. Serverless
      1. Azure Functions
      2. AWS Lambda
    6. Message-Bus
      1. Azure Service Bus
      2. Rabbit MQ
      3. Kafka
      4. MassTransit
    7. Message-Broker
      1. Azure Service Bus
      2. AWS SNS
    8. Event Streaming
      1. Apache Kafka
      2. AWS Kinesis
      3. Azure Event Hubs
    9. API Gateway
      1. AWS/Azure/GCP equivalent
      2. Ocelot
  18. Good to Know Libraries
    1. Polly
    2. MediatR
    3. FluentValidation
    4. Benchmark.NET
    5. Throws
  19. DevOps
    1. Infrastructure as code
      1. Terraform
    2. CICD
      1. Github Action
      2. Azure Devops
      3. Jenkins
      4. Travis CI
      5. Jira
      6. Circle CI
      7. TeamCity
    3. Docker
    4. Kubernaties
    5. Heroku/ other
    6. Digital ocean
  20. IDEs and Tools
    1. Visual Studio 2022
    2. Visual studio Code and plugins
    3. Rider
    4. Webstorm
    5. Github copilot
    6. Dev Toys
    7. ChatGPT
  21. Keep Coding :)
  22. May be
  23. Good to Know
  24. Must Know