1. React
    1. Events && Data Changes
    2. Pass data through components
      1. propTypes
      2. Components
        1. state
        2. props
        3. jsx
    3. Router
      1. Navigation- Redux
        1. Navigators
        2. Router
    4. JSX in depth
      1. Spread Attributes
    5. React in Patterns
      1. Higher-order components
      2. Dependency injection
  2. Redux
    1. Basic
      1. Flux
        1. Flux vs Redux
        2. Mixins are dead
      2. Three Principles
        1. Single source of truth
        2. State is read-only
        3. Changes are made with pure functions
      3. Designing the State Shape
    2. Advanced
      1. Motivation for Memoized Selectors
        1. Reselect
      2. Presentational and Container Components
        1. Stateless Functional Components
      3. Implementing Undo History
      4. Middleware
        1. Redux-thunk
        2. redux-observable for async, side effects
        3. Redux-Saga
    3. FAQ
      1. Code Structure
        1. structure-business-logic
  3. Server side
    1. Socket.io
  4. Reactive Programming
    1. RxMarbles
    2. redux-observable
      1. slide
  5. Flow & ESLint
    1. javascript weird & awesome
      1. First class functions
      2. Event-Driven Environment
      3. Closuers
      4. Scope
      5. Context
        1. call
        2. apply
        3. bind
    2. ES6/Babel
      1. var, let and const - What, why and how
      2. Template String
      3. Generators
        1. Generators in JavaScript - What, Why and How
      4. Arrow functions in JavaScript - What, Why and How
      5. Destructuring: What, Why and How
    3. Flow
      1. Typing React with Flow
      2. Exact object types
      3. Generic Types
      4. Function Types
  6. Functional Programming
    1. Design Pattern
      1. SOLID -> functional
        1. Overview
        2. Single responsibility principle
        3. Open/closed principle
        4. Liskov substitution principle
        5. Interface segregation principle
        6. Dependency inversion principle
      2. @Decorators
        1. Don't use decorators
    2. Currying
    3. Composing
    4. Pure Functions
    5. Ramda
      1. Lodash
      2. immutableJS
  7. learning projects
    1. este
      1. Hosting
      2. Techniques
      3. Libraries
      4. Wiki
        1. Flowtype
    2. soundcloud
  8. Community
    1. News
      1. Redux links
    2. React on Discordapp
    3. Expo on Slack
      1. Discourse
    4. ReactJS on Stackoverflow
    5. Flowtype on Stack
    6. React-redux on Stack
    7. ramda
  9. TDD
    1. Jest
    2. TDD? Waste of time!