1. Is the change neccesary
    1. Must convince the organization that it is- allow for people to connect with the change
  2. Personal life changes
    1. How to control reactions to unintentional change
      1. People can react very negatively to unintentional change
    2. Reactions to intentional changes
      1. Most people react more positively to intentional changes
    3. Understanding change
  3. Intentional changes
    1. Something that can be controlled
      1. Better prepared for these types of changes
        1. Emotinal satisfying
          1. More empowered and succesful
  4. Unintentional changes
    1. Something that is not planned
    2. Less prepared for this type of change
      1. Being less preprared cause negative emotions
        1. Stress- Ambiguity, Worry, Fear etc
  5. Accepting and Understanding Change
    1. Stages of the Greiveing Process
      1. Denial and Isolation
      2. Displaced anger
      3. Bargaining
      4. Depression
      5. Acceptance
      6. Three stages of Grief Merger
        1. Shock and Numbness
          1. This stage is the most common- some people get stuck at this stage
        2. Suffereing
        3. Resolution
  6. Bridges Model of Change
    1. Ending
      1. Status quo
        1. Saying Goodbye
    2. Neutral Zone
      1. Confusing state
      2. Shifting into neutral- past is gone
    3. New Beginning
      1. New Reality
      2. Moving Forward
  7. Lewin's Model of Change
    1. Freeze
    2. Change
    3. Refreeze
  8. Change vs. Transition
    1. Change is an external process
      1. Transition is an internal process
  9. Leading Organizational Change
    1. 1) Create a felt need for change
      1. Push for a sense of urgency
    2. 2) Introduce change
    3. 3) Stabilize and sustain change
    4. 4) Revise and final
    5. Managing Resistance to change
      1. Active Resistance
      2. Passive Resistance
      3. Compliance
      4. Enthusiastic Support
      5. Why do people resist change
        1. Fear of change- some people just don't like change
          1. "If aint broke don't fix it"
        2. Uncertainty
        3. Loss of power
          1. Fear of Failure