Is the change neccesary
- Must convince the organization that it is- allow for people to connect with the change
Personal life changes
How to control reactions to unintentional change
- People can react very negatively to unintentional change
Reactions to intentional changes
- Most people react more positively to intentional changes
- Understanding change
Intentional changes
Something that can be controlled
Better prepared for these types of changes
Emotinal satisfying
- More empowered and succesful
Unintentional changes
- Something that is not planned
Less prepared for this type of change
Being less preprared cause negative emotions
- Stress- Ambiguity, Worry, Fear etc
Accepting and Understanding Change
Stages of the Greiveing Process
- Denial and Isolation
- Displaced anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Three stages of Grief Merger
Shock and Numbness
- This stage is the most common- some people get stuck at this stage
- Suffereing
- Resolution
Bridges Model of Change
Status quo
- Saying Goodbye
Neutral Zone
- Confusing state
- Shifting into neutral- past is gone
New Beginning
- New Reality
- Moving Forward
Lewin's Model of Change
- Freeze
- Change
- Refreeze
Change vs. Transition
Change is an external process
- Transition is an internal process
Leading Organizational Change
1) Create a felt need for change
- Push for a sense of urgency
- 2) Introduce change
- 3) Stabilize and sustain change
- 4) Revise and final
Managing Resistance to change
- Active Resistance
- Passive Resistance
- Compliance
- Enthusiastic Support
Why do people resist change
Fear of change- some people just don't like change
- "If aint broke don't fix it"
- Uncertainty
Loss of power
- Fear of Failure