1. Learn
    1. What
      1. Visual fixation of the main ideas
      2. Idea, not Art
      3. Allowed level of graphics in the current context
      4. Sketching & doodling for the purpose
      5. Process, not result
    2. When
      1. Always, people always created sketches
        1. Mike Rohde
          1. @rohdesign
    3. Where
      1. Home, Education, Work
        1. conferences
        2. meetings
        3. learning time
      2. Visualization and facilitation of processes
    4. Who
      1. YOU
      2. You should not be an artist
    5. A few tips
      1. No fear!
        1. Just Do It
      2. Practice and continuous improvement
        1. more and more
      3. Constant experiments
      4. Constant Learning
      5. Start with a simple
      6. Emotions. Memories. Sensations
      7. Use metaphors
      8. Comfortable environment
        1. But exit from the comfort zone
      9. Share your works
        1. Do not think about likes and reposts
    6. How Many
      1. The bigger, the better
    7. How
      1. Just take a pen!
        1. choose your favorite supplies
          1. disital or not
      2. Leaning
        1. Mike Rohde
          1. @rohdesign
        2. https://sketchnotearmy.com/
        3. All The Tips!
      3. Follow the rules or break them
      4. find mentor and community
      5. Constant Practice and improvement
      6. Create your visual vocabulary
    8. Why
      1. Unlock your creativity
        1. creative freedom
        2. generating new ideas
        3. creative thinking
      2. verbal and nonverbal learning process
        1. systematization of thoughts
      3. Combining text and graphics allows us to remember more data
        1. associative thinking
          1. creative thinking
      4. Joy & Fun
      5. Focus, Search for gaps and their elimination
        1. systematization of knowledge
        2. concentration on the main points
      6. Create something new
      7. see beauty everywhere
      8. fighting the time eater
      9. Help others
        1. inspire others
  2. Plan
    1. Think about
      1. Contest and Theame
      2. Structures
      3. Patterns
      4. colors
    2. Chose appropriate tools
    3. Review Visual Vocabulary
      1. fronts
      2. icons
      3. arrows
      4. containers
    4. Summary
  3. Do
    1. JIT (Just in time)
      1. Yes
        1. prepare info
          1. Name of Topic
          2. Author 's contacts
          3. Info about event
      2. No
      3. DOING!!!!
  4. Check
    1. grammatical errors
    2. form logical blocks using containers
    3. Connect them using arrows
  5. Act
    1. Share
    2. Create a similar sketch many times
    3. Update your Visual Vocabulary
    4. Update your library of patterns and structure
    5. Think about
      1. What is the next?
      2. What can you improve
    6. Improve your skills
      1. SketchStorm session
        1. What do you need?
          1. Theme for SketchStorming
          2. Chose the topic and write it on the top
          3. worksheets for participants (N) (prepare template)
          4. add grid 3*N+1
          5. You will receive 3*N*N+N sketches
        2. Before SketchStorming
          1. Warm Up your hand!
          2. sketch basis shapes and so on!
          3. discuss topic with participants
        3. Facilitator formulates a rules
          1. the goals of the session
          2. information for participants
          3. make sure that the Theme is clear for all participants
        4. Participants receive worksheets
        5. Let's SketchStorming!
          1. Round one
          2. all participants create 3 different sketches according Theme using first row of the worksheet
          3. 3 minutes long
          4. do not duplicate sketches
          5. at the end of round, each participant moves the worksheet to the left
          6. every participant has a worksheet with 3*M (M- number of round) sketches!
          7. Round two
          8. participants create 3 more sketches for current topic using second row of the worksheet
          9. inspired by the worksheet
          10. use some elements for create new sketches
          11. use rules from round 1
          12. Repeat it! ....
          13. until you will receive worksheet with your first sketches
          14. See your worksheet, create last sketch including all knowledge which you receive during this session!
          15. SketchStorm has completed!
          16. There are 3*N*N i+1 sketches in just 5*N+5 minutes
          17. Share your sketches!
          18. Enjoy!
  6. My MindMaps About Sketchnoting
    1. inspired by "Let's generate 108 ideas in 30 minutes using 6-3-5 Brainwriting"
    2. Create and improve sketchnotes using PDCA
    3. Some notes about SketchNotes. Basics of visualization using 5W2H
    4. SketchStorm session for SketchNote (How to improve your skills)
    5. Some MindMaps about sketches
    6. my sketchnotes
      1. twitter
      2. insta
      3. #SNDay2021