1. Connect Wallet
    1. Sign Discimlar
      1. Start KYC
        1. KYC Comple
          1. KYC Success
          2. WhiteList Address / Issue NFT
          3. KYC Failed
          4. Collect Email
  2. Property
    1. Buy
      1. Offical Ownerhsip
        1. Turkish JSV / SPV / Certificate
          1. Minimum 1% of Property
          2. Deposit Via Bank / Papara
          3. Deposit confirm
          4. Sign Documents
          5. Complete Documentations
          6. Issue Tokens
        2. Direct ownerhsip
          1. Minimum Purchase 25% of property
          2. Must pay all government fees on Buy and Sell event
          3. Tenants will be selected by platform management company
        3. Delaware SPV
          1. Minimum $50 Purchase
          2. Deposit Crypto
          3. Sign agreement
          4. Complete Documentation
          5. Issue Legal Token
      2. Non Official Ownerhsip
        1. Minimum $10 Purchase
        2. Deposit Crpto
        3. Receive tokens
    2. Sell
      1. Primary Market
        1. Generate Request
        2. Wait for Qeueu
        3. Sign Documents
        4. Complete Documentation
        5. Request Finish
      2. Secondary Market
        1. Create limit Order
        2. Order Matched
        3. Execute Order
        4. Complete documetation
        5. Complete
    3. Transfer
      1. Create request
      2. Sign documents
      3. Complete documetation
      4. Request finish
    4. Rent
      1. Claim
        1. Crypto
          1. Once a week
        2. Bank
          1. Every month
  3. Non Crypto
    1. Non Tradeable
    2. No Secondary Market
    3. Cannot transfer without Permission
  4. Crypto
    1. Freely trade able
    2. Secondary Market
    3. Can be converted in legal shareholding