1. First 5 Days
    1. Book
      1. Explore It by Elisabeth Hendrickson
    2. Foundations
      1. BBST Foundations
        1. BBST Bug Advocacy
          1. BBST Test Design
      2. Explore It? Explore It! - Elisabeth Hendrickson
    3. Letter to the New Tester - James Bach
    4. Practice
      1. Reference by Michael Bolton
      2. Video Reference by Bug Hunter Sam
    5. 50 Software Testing Term by Ashok T
      1. Blog
      2. Image
  2. Second 5 Days
    1. 30 Things every new software tester should learn by Ministry of Testing
    2. Becoming a Software Testing Expert by James Bach
    3. Testing Challenges
    4. Book: Agile Testing Condensed by Lisa Crispin
    5. Bug Reporting Crash Course by Pradeep & Santosh
    6. How they test: Abhijeet Vaiker
  3. Third 5 Days
    1. Roadmaps
      1. Automation Testing Roadmap
      2. DevOps Road map
      3. Other Roadmaps to be aware of
    2. Practice: Weekend Testing
    3. Great Resources: Huib Schoots
      1. HTSM
      2. Oracles
      3. Testing without a Map
    4. Popular Books for Testers
  4. Last 5 Days
    1. Product Hunt
      1. These products will appreciate your testing help.
    2. Testing & Productivity Tools: Ultimate Productivity Toolkit
    3. A-Z of Testing Tips by Ajay Balamurugadas
    4. Test Design
      1. The Little Black of Test Design
    5. Short Bytes on Software Testing (YouTube) - Future References
      1. TestFlix by The Test Tribe
      2. The Test Chat
      3. Agile Testing Alliance
      4. Ministry of Testing
  5. Rahul Parwal testingtitbits.wordpress.com
  6. Ajay Balamurugadas testwithajay.com
  7. Compiled By