1. Jan
  2. Feb
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs
      2. External Content
    2. Events
      1. Prepping for
        1. Event
      2. Happening This Month
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
    4. Training and Development
      1. Activities
      2. Attending
  3. Mar
  4. Apr
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blog/Articles
          1. When the Environment Changes, Business Reacts
          2. Changing customer profiles
          3. Revamping catchment areas
          4. Post Covid Market Development
        2. Web Collateral
          1. Rewrite market development PDF to generalize it and use it on the website.
          2. PDF
          3. Rewrite Retail and Real Estate Industry Pages
      2. External Content
        1. RTP Location Hub
          1. Produce 2 ePapers
        2. RSR Research
          1. Conduct Study
          2. Write Questionnaire
          3. Prepping For Social Campaign
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. USC Supply Chain?
        2. GRMA
          1. Contacts
          2. Prepare messaging
        3. Esri UC
          1. SIG meeting Prepping Forning
          2. Content and artifacts
      2. On This Month
        1. UNT
          1. Virtual Event scheduled
        2. Hotka
          1. Approval
          2. Hotka- Following Up On on contacts and leads from the first event.
          3. Schedule EVENTS
          4. Subtopic 1
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
      1. Account based marketing
        1. Launch, execute and Following Up On
        2. Determine value props
      2. Relaunch Retail Industry Page
        1. Manage incoming contacts
        2. Evaluate engagement
      3. SIG Meetings
        1. Create new Sector SIG Prepping For- Ready for Launch at UC
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Actvities
        1. Create a new story map to support Blog/Articles concepts
      2. Attending
        1. Complete Class #1
  5. May
  6. Jun
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blog/Articles
          1. Agency Market Development
          2. Customer aquisition
          3. How would my business be able to use it
          4. Getting reacquainted with my in-store/branch/office guests
      2. External Content
        1. RTP Location Hub
          1. Final Launch- social media campaign
          2. Email campaign
          3. Following Up On on incoming leads
        2. RSR Research
          1. Record webinar about the report.
          2. Prepare Brian and Paula to present at UC
        3. Retail Wire Daily updates
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. Esri UC
          1. Final Push- content
        2. SIGs
          1. Finalize agendas
          2. Finalize speakers
        3. USC Supply Chain
        4. UNT
          1. Work on Judith's research project
          2. Possible rescheduled UNT event
      2. On This Month
      3. Following Up On
        1. RTP Location Hub
          1. Leads should be coming in
    3. Projects
      1. Account based marketing
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
      2. Attending
  7. Jul
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blog/Articles
          1. Using the Living Atlas to inform business decisions
          2. Equity
          3. Census Data
          4. What you saw at UC
      2. External Content
        1. RSR Events at UC
          1. Interview with Danny? Mariana?
        2. Retail Wire Daily updates
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. GeoBusiness 2021 Amsterdam?
        2. USC Supply Chain Conference
      2. On This Month
        1. Esri UC
        2. SIGs
      3. Following Up On
        1. UC - Leads processings
    3. Projects
      1. Account Based Marketing
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
      2. Attending
  8. Aug
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs/Articles
          1. Agency Page
        2. Landing Pages
          1. Real Estate Page
      2. External Content
        1. RTP Location Hub
          1. Page 2 Proof
          2. Page 3 Writing
        2. Retail Wire Daily updates
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. USC Supply Chain event
      2. On This Month
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
      1. Account Based Marketing
      2. UCSD Gymboree Internship
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Complete Class #3
  9. Sep
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs/Articles
          1. Spatial Business Advantage in CPG
          2. Supporting Retailers in category management
          3. Product Range Planning
          4. Category specific Catchment
      2. External Content
        1. RSR Paper- Second half push
        2. Retail Wire Daily Updates
        3. RTP Location Hub
          1. Round Table Recording
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. NRF 2022
          1. Secure speaker for main stage event
      2. On This Month
        1. USC Supply Chain
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
      1. Account Based Marketing
      2. Offer Specific Landing Page
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
      2. Attending
        1. Class #4
  10. Oct
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs/Articles
          1. Advanced Analytics- TBD
          2. Gary's Shoetique Blog
          3. Holiday Trends in Business- Post Pandemic
      2. External Content
        1. Retail Wire Daily Updates
        2. New Provider?
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. NRF 2022
      2. On This Month
        1. USC Supply Chain Conference
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
      1. Account Based Marketing
      2. 2022 Planning
        1. Prep mode-
      3. Offer specific landing page
        1. Launch page
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
        1. Research trends for 2022
      2. Attending
        1. Industry Event- (1)
  11. Nov
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs/Articles
          1. Holiday Traffic - how has will be different this year, how can you see the difference in your markets
          2. Trends in 2022
      2. External Content
        1. Retail Wire Daily updates
        2. Retail Touch Points content hub.
        3. APD Atlanta Webinar
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. NRF 2021
        2. Analyst Briefing EOY
      2. On This Month
        1. Forrester Data Insights
          1. Speakers
          2. Emily /Maya create story map to walk though
      3. Following Up On
        1. GeoBusiness
    3. Projects
      1. 2022 Planning
        1. Planning sessions
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
        1. Create Story map for NRF 2022
        2. Research 2022 predictions
      2. Attending
        1. Attend 2 Industry event Webinars
  12. Dec
    1. Content
      1. Internal Content
        1. Blogs/Articles
          1. Holiday Traffic - how has will be different this year, how can you see the difference in your markets
          2. Recap 2021
          3. Paas
          4. Covid in the rear view- requiring
          5. What you'll see at NRF 2022
      2. External Content
        1. RSR Research- 2022 Pre NRF paper drop (last one)
        2. Retail Wire Daily updates
        3. Webinar with Retail Touch Points
    2. Events
      1. Prepping For
        1. NRF 2022
        2. EOY- Analyst Briefings
      2. On This Month
        1. Analyst Briefing
      3. Following Up On
    3. Projects
      1. 2022 Prepping Forning calendar
    4. Training and Deveopment
      1. Activities
      2. Attending
  13. Jan 22
    1. Content
    2. Events
      1. NRF 2022
      2. CCIM and market mapping
    3. Projects
    4. Training and Deveopment
  14. Floating Topic