1. By John Patrick Pullen, Retrieved on November 18, 2015. The Time
  2. 1. Who ?
    1. Michael Pryor
    2. CEO at Trello
      1. Actions 1
      2. Actions 2
      3. Actions 3
  3. 2. What is Trello ?
    1. Organizational app
    2. Sticky note system
      1. Multiple users
    3. Desktops, tablets, smartphones
    4. Sales management to wedding planning
      1. Projects
  4. 3. Share your vision to relieve anxiety
    1. People -> visual
    2. Saying without showing
  5. 4. Celebrate things you've done
    1. Crossing something (to-do list)
    2. Look and see the accomplishment
    3. See things already completed
      1. keep motivating
  6. 8. Conclusion
    1. Productivity
      1. Preserving time !
  7. 7. Don't be afraid close your door
    1. In contradiction to open environnement
    2. Get things done
      1. Focus on your work
    3. Why ?
      1. Get uninterrupted
  8. 6. Stop using email box as to-do list
    1. Everything the same weight
    2. Spam in the inbox
    3. Too much informations
  9. 5. Work within constraints
    1. Finite space
    2. Choose things most important to pin
      1. Action 4
    3. Computer note-taking
      1. Infinite space
      2. Hinder people