1. w1
    1. Lecture 1
      1. computation basics
        1. knowledge types
          1. declarative
          2. fact
          3. imperative
          4. how-to
        2. algorithms/recipes
        3. computer types
          1. Fixed Program Computers
          2. Stored Program Computer
          3. stores and manipulates instructions
    2. Lecture 2
      1. types
        1. non-scalar
          1. int
          2. float
          3. bool
          4. true / False
          5. bool operators
          6. not and or
        2. scalar
          1. strings
          2. indexing
          3. str[0]
          4. 0123 -4-3-2-1
          5. slicing
          6. str[start:stop:step]
      2. arith. operations
        1. () ** * / + - %
          1. / - returns quotient
          2. % - returns remainder
      3. comparison
        1. > >= < <= == !=
      4. variables and naming
      5. funcs
        1. int(float/str)
        2. float(int/str)
        3. str()
        4. type(object)
        5. scalar-obj.len()
        6. round(float)
        7. print()
        8. raw_input(['prompt'])
          1. returns string general input from users
          2. input[]
          3. returns what entered
      6. in operator
        1. in / not in
        1. # ''' multi-line comment '''
      8. conditional
        1. constant programms
        2. branched programms
          1. if True: body elif True: body else: body
        3. nested conditionals
  2. w2