1. Topic
  2. Purpose 目的
    1. Why have the meeting? 為什麼要開這個會議?
    2. What's the urgency? 有其迫切性?
    3. Is a meeting really necessary? 有必要召開會議嗎?
  3. Product 產品
    1. What will be tangible outcomes of this meeting? 會議的具體產出會是什麼?
    2. What will it do? 它要做什麼?
    3. How will it support the purpose? 它能符合目的嗎?
  4. People 人員
    1. Who needs to be there? 有誰要出現?
    2. What roles will they play? 他們扮演什麼角色?
    3. What questions are we answering at this meeting? 會議中我們要回答什麼問題?
  5. Process 程序
    1. What agenda will be used to create the "products" at this meeting? 會議要用什麼議程來建立產出?
    2. Who can we collaborate with prior to the meeting? 會議之前我們可和誰一起來協同合作一下?
    3. Co-design an agenda that will keep participants engaged? 共同設計出議程來使參與者投入?
  6. Pitfall 陷阱
    1. What are the risks of this meeting? 這個會議會有什麼風險?
    2. How will we address these risks? 我們如何化解這些風險?
    3. What ground rules we should establish for this meeting? 這個會議應該立下什麼規則?
  7. Preparation 準備
    1. What would be useful to do in advance? 事前有什麼有用的事要先做的?
    2. What material do participants need to read in advance of this meeting? 會議前有什麼資料須要先閱讀的?
    3. What research do we need to conduct? 有什麼研究報告需要先做出來的?
    4. What "homework"do we need to assign to attendees? 有什麼功課是須要發給參加者的?
  8. Practical Concern 實務考量
    1. Meeting logistics 會議後勤作業