1. Author
    1. Richard St. John
    2. Average guy
    3. Researched
      1. 10 years
      2. What leads to success?
    4. Writer
      1. 8 To Be Great
  2. Passion
    1. Love!
    2. Not money!
  3. Work
    1. Hard
    2. Fun
  4. Good
    1. Practise
    2. Practise
    3. Practise
  5. Focus
    1. One thing
  6. Push
    1. Physically
    2. Mentally
    3. Through
      1. Doubts
  7. Serve
    1. it's a privilage
    2. provide
      1. value
  8. Ideas
    1. Listen
    2. Observe
    3. Be curious
    4. Ask Questions
    5. Solve problems
    6. Make Connections
  9. Persist
    1. Failure
    2. Crap
      1. Criticism
      2. Rejection
      3. Assholes
      4. Pressure